A Troublesome Memory

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It is currently 8:45 pm in the city of Königsberg. Meanwhile on one of the Prussian navy ships. A man is gazing out at the ocean. He has long raven black hair which is neatly tied up in a ponytail. He also has ocean blue eyes and he is wearing a tidy Prussian naval uniform that has four recently polished medals on it.

Suddenly a man with short ginger hair and hazel eyes who is holding two bottles of beer calmly strolls over. He then starts speaking in a calm and cheerful tone.

???: Evening sir. Do you want some beer?
???: Captain Kolberg where have you been?
Garrick Kolberg: It's Commodore Rosswell Korman's birthday...He was having a party.
???: Typical Commodore Korman.
Garrick Kolberg: Do you still want the beer, sir?
???: Fine. Although I do not drink as much as Commodore Korman on my birthday.

Garrick Kolberg gently hands a bottle of beer to the man. Garrick Kolberg starts speaking in a cheerful tone.

Garrick Kolberg: Shall we have a toast to something Admiral?
???: Like what Captain?
Garrick Kolberg: Perhaps the downfall of the French Empire and the victory of Prussia.
???: That sounds like a great idea Captain.

They both open their bottles of beer.

???: A toast to the downfall of the French Empire and to the victory of Prussia our glorious and almighty fatherland.
Garrick Kolberg: Cheers sir.
???: Cheers Captain.

They both begin drinking their beer. Then suddenly Captain Kolberg notices something in the distance. He immediately stops drinking his beer and starts speaking in a calm tone that has a slight hint of concern to it.

Garrick Kolberg: Sir I see something near the entrance to the harbour.
???: Well what is it, Captain?
Garrick Kolberg: It's a ship, sir.
???: Whose side are they on? Are they, French? Are they Spanish? Or are they British?

Captain Kolberg grabs his spyglass and gazes out at the harbour entrance. Once he recognises that it's an allies ship he then starts speaking in a calm tone.

Garrick Kolberg: It's a British ship, sir.
???: What are they doing out here?
Garrick Kolberg: Perhaps they are here to drop off reinforcements?
???: I doubt that there would be more than one ship.
Garrick Kolberg: That is true sir.
???: Why would they come to Königsberg?
Garrick Kolberg: I'm wondering the same thing, sir.
???: Well let's wait for them to get to the port and then we can question why they are here.
Garrick Kolberg: At least they aren't French.

???: You are right Captain we have had too many run ins with the French while patrolling the ocean.
Garrick Kolberg: Well I have heard that the British Royal Navy has been doing a great job at destroying the French fleet.
???: Indeed they have. I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't much of a French fleet left.
Garrick Kolberg: What do you think will happen when the war is over sir?
???: Well, I don't know Captain. But I do hope the French Empire is bought down. Also that the tyrant Napoleon is punished for his crimes.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm hoping the same, sir. But other than that I don't know what will happen.

A few minutes later the British ship has arrived at the port. Captain Kolberg and the Prussian Admiral are calmly waiting on the docks. A couple of minutes later everyone gets off the ship except for Marcel Thompson. The Prussian Admiral calmly and politely introduces himself.

???: I'm Admiral Hans Lanterman and this is Captain Garrick Kolberg. Welcome to the city of Königsberg.
Edison Hawkins: Pleasure to meet you both I'm Commodore Edison Hawkins and I'm just here to escort two messengers safely from England to Europe and from Europe back to England.
Hans Lanterman: I see. Who is this other fellow with you?
Henry Wellesley: I am General Henry Wellesley. You might have heard of my brother.
Hans Lanterman: I see so you are the brother of Lord Wellington. I'm assuming that you are going to join him in the battle General.

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