Just a Poet not a Soldier

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Voltaire slowly opens his eyes and he glances over at Frederick's bed noticing that Frederick isn't in bed. Voltaire slowly sits up and he gets his shiny golden pocket watch out. Gently opening the pocket watch Voltaire listens to the quiet ticking noise. He notices that the time is 6:45 am.

Voltaire: I guess he is busy...

Voltaire gets out of bed and walks over to his light brown wooden trunk. He kneels in front of it and carefully opens it. Carefully searching through his clothing he eventually finds his white robe. Gently grabbing his robe he stands up and puts it on. He then shuts his wooden trunk.

Voltaire exits the tent and he notices that the air is slightly frigid. Glancing over at a burnt out campfire he notices Lawrence and another man who he doesn't recognise sitting on some logs near the campfire. Voltaire walks over and sits down the other man awkwardly stares at him.

Lukas Buchman: Who are you, sir?
Voltaire: I was going to ask you the same question.
Lukas Buchman: Your a Frenchman I can tell by your accent.
Voltaire: Well yes...
Lukas Buchman: So who are you?
Voltaire: I'm Voltaire and I'm a poet and a friend of the King.
Lukas Buchman: I'm Lukas Buchman and I'm a Major General in His Majesty's Army. So if you are a poet why are you carrying a pistol with you?
Voltaire: The King recommended that I carry this with me for protection. I just heard that the British soldiers don't take too kindly to French civilians.
Lukas Buchman: Don't worry I'm sure that they won't harm you in any way.
Voltaire: Speaking of the King do you know where he is?
Lukas Buchman: Well the last time I saw him which was only a couple of minutes ago he was heading to the lake.
Voltaire: Alright...
Lukas Buchman: It's just through the forest.
Lawrence: I will help him get there sir.
Voltaire: Thank you, Lawrence.

Lawrence stands up and begins walking towards the forest. Voltaire hastily gets up and begins following Lawrence. Voltaire starts talking in a cheerful and slightly sleepy tone.

Voltaire: Why does everyone wake up so early Lawrence?
Lawrence: It's just a normal thing us soldiers have to do when we are at war.
Voltaire: Well I hope Frederick is getting enough sleep you know that I care about him.
Lawrence: I'm sure he is. Don't worry too much Voltaire.
Voltaire: So how long will we be staying at this place do you know Lawrence?
Lawrence: I don't know Voltaire. You could ask His Majesty.
Voltaire: That's true...

A few minutes later they get to a clearing. Where Voltaire notices Frederick staring at the clear glistening lake.

Lawrence: Go talk to him I can tell you want to.
Voltaire: Thank you for leading me here Lawrence.
Lawrence: Your welcome Voltaire.

Lawrence calmly strolls off back to the camp. While Voltaire calmly wanders along the stony beach towards Frederick. He eventually stops and stands beside Frederick gently putting his hand on Frederick's shoulder. Frederick notices this and he smiles at Voltaire and starts speaking in a warm and cheerful voice.

Frederick: Good Morning Voltaire.
Voltaire: Morning Frederick.
Frederick: How is my good friend this morning?
Voltaire: I am well. Just slightly tired.
Frederick: I understand that. The journey yesterday was probably quite tiring for you. Are you feeling better?
Voltaire: It seems that the pain went away...I just haven't travelled that far since I fled my homeland...I don't remember much about that day except that I was exhausted, hungry and thirsty.
Frederick: You overexerted yourself...But I helped take care of you.
Voltaire: I thought I was going to die that day...But I didn't. Although at first, I thought that no one would care about me that day. I was just a Frenchman who fled his homeland. But you cared about me Frederick and you still do.
Frederick: Of course, I do Voltaire you are my dearest friend.

Blood Secret (Under Going Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ