Trouble at Sea

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Disclaimer: There will be a lot of violence in this chapter. There will also be mentions of rape. If you are sensitive to this you may skip this chapter.

It is early in the morning in London and Horatio Nelson is standing at the stern of the Victory. He is calmly gazing out at the harbour which has many Royal Navy ships in it. Nelson grabs his golden pocket watch out of his pocket and gently opens it.

The pocket watch reads 9:30. Gently closing the pocket watch Horatio Nelson then puts it back into his pocket. A couple of minutes later he hears footsteps approaching him along with a calm voice.

Thomas Hardy: Good morning sir.
Horatio Nelson: Good morning Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Why are you here sir?
Horatio Nelson: I'm just thinking Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: Are you worried about Josiah sir?

Horatio Nelson: A little. He has been gone for a while.
Thomas Hardy: I'm sure that he is fine sir. I'm sure that Commodore Hawkins is making sure that he doesn't do anything stupid.
Horatio Nelson: Your right Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: He and Captain Thompson are probably just enjoying their time in Königsberg. I've also heard that the Prussians make some good beer.

Horatio Nelson smiles and stares at Thomas Hardy who is now standing beside him. Horatio Nelson starts speaking in a calm yet slightly serious voice.

Horatio Nelson: Speaking of Commodore Hawkins. His brother Admiral Jarvis Hawkins sent me a report yesterday.
Thomas Hardy: What did it say, sir?
Horatio Nelson: Well as you know Hardy Admiral Jarvis Hawkins has been patrolling the ocean near Prussia. He told me in his report that he spotted a small French fleet. Just like the one that tried to attack London.
Thomas Hardy: Thats not good they might try and attack Königsberg.

Horatio Nelson: Admiral Hawkins told me that he is going to try and prevent that from happening. If he can't stop the French he hopes that the Prussians will.
Thomas Hardy: Do the Prussians even have that strong of a navy?
Horatio Nelson: That I am unsure of Hardy. We will just have to hope that the French don't destroy the Prussian fleet. Also, that Admiral Hawkins manages to stop the French. Otherwise, Wellington might have a problem with the French reinforcing their Army.
Thomas Hardy: Im sure that Admiral Hawkins will manage to stop the French sir.
Horatio Nelson: Im sure of that as well Hardy.

Meanwhile, in the Baltic Sea near Prussia on the Eclipse. A man with emerald green eyes, short blonde hair and a moustache. Who is wearing his naval uniform which has 4 shiny medals on it. He is standing at the bow of the ship looking out a the calm and vast sea.

Suddenly he hears footsteps behind him along with a calm voice.

???: No sign of the French fleet sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: How far are we from Königsberg Captain Alistair Ward?
Alistair Ward: About maybe 3 or 4 hours away sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: Let's hope that those French bastards don't get there first.

Alistair Ward: Well if they do I wouldn't mind a fight, sir.
Jarvis Hawkins: Neither would I. I've also heard that my brother is in Königsberg.
Alistair Ward: I hope that the Prussians can deal with the French if we don't get there in time.
Jarvis Hawkins: I don't know how powerful the Prussian fleet is. But I'm hoping the same Captain Ward.

Meanwhile, in the city of Königsberg Admiral Hans Lanterman is standing on the docks calmly staring out at the ocean. Suddenly he hears a cheerful voice behind him.

Garrick Kolberg: Good morning sir.
Hans Lanterman: Good morning Captain.
Garrick Kolberg: Why are you here sir?
Hans Lanterman: Thinking about what is going to happen after this war.
Garrick Kolberg: I'm wondering the same, sir.

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