The Dukes Letter

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It is now 5:30 pm and Horatio Nelson is staring out at the harbour in the distance. He suddenly hears footsteps behind him along with a calm voice.

Josiah Nelson: I see that we are almost home.
Horatio Nelson: Indeed. It seems that the ocean has been kind to us.
Josiah Nelson: So what are you going to do once we get back to London?
Horatio Nelson: Well I need to deliver this letter for Wellington. What are you going to do son?
Josiah Nelson: Go home and be with my wife.
Horatio Nelson: That is understandable...She probably misses you.
Josiah Nelson: She is probably waiting at the harbour for me.
Horatio Nelson: Probably.
Josiah Nelson: Father I want to ask you something.
Horatio Nelson: What do you want to ask me?
Josiah Nelson: Can you please tell me what happened at Trafalgar?
Horatio Nelson: I was expecting you to ask me what happened at the Battle of the Nile. You use to ask me that story a lot.
Josiah Nelson: Please tell me, father.

Horatio Nelson awkwardly glances down at the deck.

Josiah Nelson: What?
Horatio Nelson: Look all I can say is that it wasn't the greatest victory I have had. Many died that day.
Josiah Nelson: I know but it's been almost ten years father.
Horatio Nelson: Josiah I just don't want to talk about it.
Josiah Nelson: I understand father...

Josiah Nelson walks off to the back of the ship and he gazes out at the vast and endless ocean. He suddenly hears some footsteps behind him and he turns around and he stares at Thomas Hardy.

Thomas Hardy: You alright?
Josiah Nelson: Hardy do you know what happened at Trafalgar?
Thomas Hardy: Why don't you ask your father?
Josiah Nelson: I tried but he won't tell me. Was it truly that bad of a victory?
Thomas Hardy: Well compared to most victories...Yes.
Josiah Nelson: At least it wasn't a defeat right...
Thomas Hardy: True.
Josiah Nelson: It's been almost ten years and he won't tell me, Hardy.
Thomas Hardy: I didn't realise that it's been that long...
Josiah Nelson: I just want to know what transpired that day.
Thomas Hardy: Look I just feel like you should be asking your father about it not me.
Josiah Nelson: He will never tell me, Hardy. Honestly, he will probably take this secret to his grave.
Thomas Hardy: Fine I'll ask him to tell you what happened. But don't expect him to tell you it's hard to convince him to do things.
Josiah Nelson: Alright...I understand Hardy.

Thomas Hardy heads to the bow of the ship and he notices Horatio Nelson gazing out at the harbour in the distance. He calmly approaches Nelson and stands beside him. He gently puts his hand on Nelson's shoulder and Nelson stares at him with slight confusion.

Horatio Nelson: Hardy what do you want?
Thomas Hardy: Sir...Your son wants to know what happened. I feel like you should tell him it's the right thing to do.
Horatio Nelson: Hardy...Look I don't like talking about it. You almost got yourself killed that day...You took a bullet for me. Hardy, you are one of my dearest friends and I didn't want to lose you.
Thomas Hardy: Well, I didn't want you getting killed either so I had to sir. I had to take that bullet for you.
Horatio Nelson: Did you do that because I saved your life on the way to Gibraltar?
Thomas Hardy: Well, I guess...Because I thought I owed you one.
Horatio Nelson: You could have saved my life any other way that didn't get you hurt.
Thomas Hardy: Anyway sir...Can you please tell your son about what happened that day? I understand if you don't want to tell him...
Horatio Nelson: Fine...Hardy, I'll tell him.
Thomas Hardy: Alright sir.

Horatio Nelson walks to the stern of the ship and he notices Josiah gazing out at the ocean. Horatio Nelson walks up to Josiah and stands beside him gently putting his hand on Josiah's shoulder. Josiah stares at his father and he smiles a little bit.

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