His Lady

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It is currently 1:45 pm and Wellington is sitting at his desk calmly reading some important papers. Lord Uxbridge calmly enters the tent.

Wellington looks up from his work and stares at Lord Uxbridge. He then starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.

Wellington: What is it Uxbridge?
Lord Uxbridge: The scouts have told me that the messengers are 15 minutes away from the camp sir.
Wellington: Well that's some good news. I will be able to look forward to reading the letters, especially the one from my dearest Kitty.
Lord Uxbridge: There is another thing that the scouts told me, sir.
Wellington: What?
Lord Uxbridge: It seems that there is a woman with the messengers sir.
Wellington: A woman?

Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.
Wellington: Why would a woman come here out of all places?
Lord Uxbridge: Maybe to see someone perhaps. Many of the men do have wives, sir.
Wellington: War is no place for a woman.
Lord Uxbridge: I know sir. But we will have to possibly find a place for the lady to stay sir.
Wellington: The lady will stay with who she loves. A woman should not be left alone. Especially in a camp full of drunkards and scoundrels. You may leave Uxbridge if that's all you have to tell me.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.

Lord Uxbridge calmly leaves the tent and Wellington continues with his work. Meanwhile a few minutes later near the lone tree on the hill outside of the camp.

Kitty carefully gets off the horse and Corey stares at her with slight confusion. Corey starts speaking in a calm but slightly confused tone.

Corey: Don't you want to come into the camp, Catherine?
Kitty Wellesley: I want you to give a note to my husband.
Corey: So you are planning to surprise him?
Stanley: It's obvious that she is Corey. Also, I like surprises. Well, maybe not the one where we could have been killed. But I like other surprises other than that one.
Kitty Wellesley: Yes, I am planning to surprise him. Don't tell him that I'm here.
Corey: We won't Catherine.

Kitty Wellesley grabs a small folded note out of her pocket. She gently hands it to Corey who puts it in his pocket. Corey and Stanley then ride off into the camp.

Meanwhile in Wellington's tent. Wellington is still calmly reading some important papers when Corey suddenly enters the tent.

Corey stares at Wellington with concern due to noticing one of his injuries. Wellington looks up at Corey and he starts speaking in a calm and pleasant voice.

Wellington: What is it, Corey?
Corey: Are you alright sir? What happened to you?
Wellington: I'm fine Corey. Also, I don't really want to talk about what happened. I just don't feel comfortable about it.
Corey: I understand sir.
Wellington: I'm assuming that you have some letters for me?

Corey: Yes, I have two letters from your brothers. Along with an important note from someone who really wants to see you.
Wellington: I wasn't expecting a note.
Corey: I suggest you read it sir it's important.
Wellington: Alright.

Corey grabs the two letters and the note out of his pocket. Then he places the two letters on the desk and hands the note to Wellington.

Wellington opens the note and begins carefully reading it.

Meet me at the nearest hill.
The one with the only oak tree.

Wellington gently folds the note back up and places it on his desk. He smiles at Corey and starts speaking in a joyful tone.

Wellington: Thank you, Corey.
Corey: Your welcome sir.

Corey calmly exits the tent and Wellington stares at the note.

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