Where Eagles Fly

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Disclaimer: There is a lot of violence in this chapter. You may skip it if you are sensitive.

It is currently 1:30 pm and the Prussian and British Armies have set up their new camp on a large grassy plain that is surrounded by nothing except large hills. Meanwhile, in the Prussian camp, Lawrence is sitting on a log staring at the time on his pocket watch. Suddenly he hears someone approaching him.

Lawrence looks up and he sees Benedict Fraser staring at him with a slight smile on his face. Benedict Fraser starts speaking in a cheerful voice.

Benedict Fraser: What are you thinking about Lieutenant?
Lawrence: Capturing a French Eagle sir.
Benedict Fraser: I wouldn't expect that from someone like you Lawrence. Although I would expect it from your brother. That boy is a glory seeking fool.
Lawrence: I have my reasons, sir.
Benedict Fraser: What would they be?
Lawrence: Improve my reputation perhaps.
Benedict Fraser: It seems that you have a good reputation with the Prussians. They like you, Lieutenant.

Lawrence: I don't mean my reputation with the Prussians. I mean with the British Army sir. I'm also trying to stay in Wellington's good graces.
Benedict Fraser: I wouldn't suggest upsetting Lord Wellington right now. He is trying to sort out the situation with his brother General Henry Wellesley. That General is probably the most disrespectful one I have ever seen.
Lawrence: I didn't know that Lord Wellington had a brother.
Benedict Fraser: I sort of knew about his brothers. Because one of them is in the Government and the other is an Earl. Then it seems there is this man who is causing Wellington trouble. I would also suggest staying away from the General it appears he is a bit of a bastard.
Lawrence: Thank you for telling me about that sir.

Benedict Fraser: I shall be off Lieutenant. Also, good luck capturing your French Eagle.
Lawrence: Yes sir. Thank you, sir.

Benedict Fraser calmly strolls off and suddenly Frederick walks up to Lawrence. Frederick starts speaking in a calm and slightly serious voice.

Frederick: Are you honestly planning on doing that?
Lawrence: Yes Your Majesty.
Frederick: You are just like your father.
Lawrence: You know about my father?
Frederick: I knew him...We were close friends.
Lawrence: Could you please tell me about him? Well, at least what you know about him?
Frederick: Perhaps another time Lawrence. I need to go do my duties.
Lawrence: When will that time be Your Majesty?
Frederick: I don't know Lawrence...But I will tell you when I can.

Frederick calmly walks off and Lawrence quietly sighs to himself.

*Lawrence in thought*

How does His Majesty know about my father?

Why can't he just tell me?

Why didn't he just tell me while we were at the palace?

I just want to know about my father...

I have been waiting 15 years to know about my father...

I just want the truth...

That's all I want.

Meanwhile, near the British camp, Wellington is sitting under a tree. Grabbing his pocket watch out of his pocket and gently opening it he stares at the picture of Kitty. Wellington starts speaking in a calm and peaceful voice.

Wellington: I promise that I will return to you...You will not lose me. I love you.

A couple of minutes later Lord Uxbridge calmly walks over. Lord Uxbridge starts speaking in a calm but serious voice.

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