A Treasure of France

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Disclaimer: There will be a lot of violence in this chapter. If you are sensitive to this you may skip this chapter.

It is currently 6:00 and the sun hasn't yet risen over the battlefield. Lawrence is standing on one of the walls at Hougomont looking over the battlefield. A couple of minutes later he hears some footsteps approaching him. Then he notices Benedict Fraser standing beside him with a candle holder that has a burning candle on it. Benedict Fraser starts speaking in a calm yet serious voice.

Benedict Fraser: Are you alright Captain?
Lawrence: Just thinking about what is going to happen, sir.
Benedict Fraser: Well we don't know what is exactly going to happen. We just have to hope that most of us come out of this alive.
Lawrence: Your right sir.
Benedict Fraser: Still hoping to get that French Eagle?

Lawrence: Yes sir.
Benedict Fraser: Just don't get yourself killed trying to do that.
Lawrence: I won't sir trust me.
Benedict Fraser: Good. Because trying to get a French Eagle is a very risky thing to do.
Lawrence: I understand that sir. But trust me I won't get myself killed.

Benedict Fraser calmly walks off and Lawrence continues gazing out across the battlefield. Meanwhile, in the Prussian camp, Frederick has just woken up and is lying awake in bed. He also notices that Voltaire is still sleeping. Then he gently grabs Voltaire's hand and pulls it out from under the blanket and kisses it. A few minutes later Voltaire suddenly wakes up and almost lets out a scream. Frederick then starts to comfort Voltaire by gently stroking his hair. Then he starts speaking in a warm and comforting tone.

Frederick: What happened Voltaire?
Voltaire: I was killing people. But I wasn't myself it's like I wasn't in control of my own body. I'm not a murderous person!
Frederick: Voltaire I know that you aren't murderous. You aren't a bad person at all Voltaire. You are the most caring and sweet person I have ever met in my life. That's why I love you.
Voltaire: But I did actually kill someone and I still feel awful about it.
Frederick: Voltaire my love I understand that. But that was not on purpose it was accidental and you were worried for my life.

Voltaire: Yes I was worried for your life. But I didn't want my fear to push me to the brink of killing someone!
Frederick: I understand that Voltaire.
Voltaire: Frederick I regret my actions deeply. But I don't know how to get over this mistake I've made!
Frederick: Voltaire I'll be here to help you get through this I promise you that my love.
Voltaire: Thank you, Frederick.
Frederick: Get some more rest, my love.
Voltaire: Yes Frederick.

Frederick softly puts his hand on Voltaire's cheek and passionately kisses him on the lips. A couple of minutes later Voltaire gently breaks the kiss and gazes into Frederick's sky blue eyes. Frederick cheerfully smiles at Voltaire and kisses him on the cheek. Frederick then starts speaking in a soft and romantic voice.

Frederick: My dearest Voltaire I will help you through this. Because I truly love you.
Voltaire: I love you deeply as well Frederick.
Frederick: This war is almost over I feel it, Voltaire. We will be able to spend more time together and help each other recover from this troubling time.
Voltaire: Do you really believe that this war is almost over my love?

Frederick: Yes my love. I believe that it's almost over.
Voltaire: Stay safe out there my dear.
Frederick: I will and rest well. I will see you tonight my love.
Voltaire: Yes I will see you tonight.

Voltaire slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep. Frederick then gets out of bed and calmly exits the tent and walks over to a nearby campfire and sits down in front of it. He starts to gaze deeply into the blazing orange flames. A few minutes later Prince Frederick walks over and sits down next to Frederick. Frederick looks at the Prince with a cheerful smile on his face. Then he gently places his hand on Prince Frederick's shoulder and starts speaking in a serious tone.

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