Past Regrets

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Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter. You can skip this chapter if you are sensitive. 

It is currently 11:30 am the British and the Prussians have set up their camp near the river. Meanwhile, Wellington is calmly working in his tent. Kitty Wellesley notices how exhausted Wellington is. Kitty starts speaking in a concerned tone.

Kitty Wellesley: Arthur you seem quite tired. Are you sure that you should be working?
Wellington: I'm fine Kitty.
Kitty Wellesley: You are not fine Arthur. What's wrong?
Wellington: I just didn't sleep well last night...
Kitty Wellesley: Does it involve what happened yesterday?
Wellington: Yes, I just had a bad dream...I'm upset at myself. This situation is my fault...

Kitty Wellesley: Arthur...Please don't blame yourself.
Wellington: It's my fault that Henry is upset at me. I don't think I can reconcile with him now. He's out for my blood. I think he's also lost his mind...
Kitty Wellesley: Do you want to take a break, Arthur? Maybe go for a walk perhaps? You work too hard Arthur you need to take a break.
Wellington: I guess I should take a break...
Kitty Wellesley: Go calm your mind, Arthur...I can tell that you are tired and slightly stressed out from yesterday.

Wellington calmly gets up from his desk and walks outside. Then he begins walking down to the river. A few minutes later he reaches the river's rocky edge.

He calmly stands there listening to the steady flow of the river. Along with the sound of birds chirping in the trees on the other side of the river.

*Wellington in thought*

I can't believe that Henry lied to me...

I thought he was going to apologise for what he had done.

This situation is all my fault...

I should have done something in the past but I didn't.

Henry could have told me something instead of staying silent!

I would have been able to help!

But I couldn't do anything because I didn't know that something was wrong!

He should have said something!

Wellington starts to feel tears slowly streaming down his face due to his guilt and sadness. A couple of minutes later he hears someone walking toward him. Upon looking downstream Wellington notices Victor Nyland walking toward him.

Victor Nyland stops beside Wellington and he notices his sadness. Victor starts speaking in a calm voice.

Victor Nyland: What's wrong Englishman?

Wellington awkwardly looks down at the rocky river's edge. Then he starts speaking in a tone full of sadness and regret.

Wellington: It's my fault...
Victor Nyland: What's your fault?
Wellington: My brother hates me and it's my fault. I should have done something but I didn't.
Victor Nyland: I see. I'm wondering why were you in the forest last night?
Wellington: My brother told me to meet him there. I thought he was going to apologise for betraying me...

Victor Nyland: He wasn't there to apologise was he.
Wellington: No he lied to me. He was there to kill me. He's out for my blood. He still possibly thinks I'm dead.
Victor Nyland: I doubt that him thinking your dead will last long...I suggest that you possibly be careful. If he finds out you are still alive he probably won't hesitate to kill you.

Wellington quietly sighs to himself out of slight frustration. Then he starts speaking in a slightly calmer tone that still has a hint of guilt to it.

Wellington: I thought that I would be able to repair this relationship...But it seems that nothing can be done now. Henry doesn't want to reconcile.
Victor Nyland: Sometimes things are too far beyond repair. Or sometimes it's best to let go.
Wellington: I didn't want to let this relationship go he is my brother and I love him still...
Victor Nyland: It takes a while to let go. It does hurt when you do lose a friend. Or when you are even betrayed by a friend.

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