Safe Travels My Friend

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Disclaimer: There is some violence in this chapter and you may skip this chapter if you are sensitive.

It is 10:00 am and Wellington is staring out into the vast ocean. He gently closes his eyes and starts thinking about Kitty. He suddenly hears footsteps approaching him along with a calm voice.

Horatio Nelson: Wellesley...

Wellington opens his eyes and he turns around and he stares at Nelson with a small smile on his face.

Wellington: Yes?
Horatio Nelson: Are you alright?
Wellington: Yes, I was just thinking about things.
Horatio Nelson: Like what?
Wellington: Kitty...I guess this is what happens when you love someone so much that you can't stop thinking about them.
Horatio Nelson: She's probably thinking about you as well.

Wellington quietly sighs to himself and he then starts speaking in a calm but serious tone.

Wellington: Nelson I'm still worried about this war. I know that I don't appear to be worried on the outside but on the inside I am quite anxious.
Horatio Nelson: What are you anxious about Wellesley?
Wellington: Losing the war...Getting captured...Possibly getting myself killed.
Horatio Nelson: You won't get yourself killed and the chance of you getting yourself captured is low. Also, you have the Prussians helping you in this conflict I know that there is still a chance of you losing the war. But it shouldn't be as bad as if only the British Army were fighting the French.
Wellington: That's true. But my mind is however full of anxious thoughts...
Horatio Nelson: I understand that. But that feeling is normal.
Wellington: I fear death mostly...
Horatio Nelson: Who doesn't Wellesley. Trust me, I have feared death so many times and look at me I'm still alive. Although I am blind in one eye and I did get my right arm cut off. But I'm still alive.
Wellington: How did you learn to write with your left hand?
Horatio Nelson: It took a while. It was quite difficult to use a quill in my left hand. Because it was just awkward to hold. I eventually got the hang of it. But I still do sometimes accidentally smudge the ink when I'm writing luckily it's not too often that I do that.
Wellington: How do you wield your sword?
Horatio Nelson: That's another story for another time.

Lord Uxbridge suddenly strolls over with a small smile on his face and he starts speaking in a pleasant tone.

Lord Uxbridge: When do we plan to leave this place and plan to start travelling to Brussels sir?
Wellington: In a few hours I still have some things to prepare for Uxbridge.
Lord Uxbridge: Alright sir.
Wellington: Uxbridge I need you to do something for me.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir?
Wellington: I need you to get me some paper some ink and a quill. I need to write a letter to the Prussian King.
Lord Uxbridge: Yes sir.

Lord Uxbridge walks off and Wellington grabs his pocket watch out of his pocket. He gently opens it and stares at the picture of Kitty.

Horatio Nelson: Nothing will happen to her Wellesley...
Wellington: Please don't tell her that I've just been moping around...
Horatio Nelson: Fine...
Wellington: Just tell her that I'm well and I promise to return to her.
Horatio Nelson: Alright.
Wellington: I wish I could go back with you...But I can't I need to end this war.
Horatio Nelson: You're doing the duty for your country.
Wellington: Everyone says that...But many die under my command and I just can't help but blame myself...
Horatio Nelson: I understand.
Wellington: They call me a hero but I'm not.
Horatio Nelson: I understand that. I've also been called a hero many times. But I guess that's what happens when you end up with many victories. Speaking of you being a hero many people in England are saying that you should be Prime Minister.
Wellington: Are you joking Nelson?
Horatio Nelson: No it's not a joke.
Wellington: Jesus Christ...I can barely deal with the Army now people want me to make decisions for the whole country!

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