On The March

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It is now 11:30 pm and Frederick is lying awake in bed unable to sleep. The door suddenly quietly opens and he looks up and notices Voltaire standing in the doorway. He notices that Voltaire's face is covered in tear stains.

Frederick: Voltaire...Come here.
Voltaire: Are you sure that I can sleep with you tonight?
Frederick: Yes Voltaire you can sleep with me. I know that you sometimes don't like sleeping alone...

Voltaire enters the room gently closing the door behind him. He walks over to the left side of the bed and he takes his white robe off. Carefully getting into bed he looks at Frederick staring deeply into his sky blue eyes.

Voltaire: I'm scared Frederick...
Frederick: I know but you will be alright. We will be starting our journey to Brussels tomorrow. So I suggest you rest my friend.

Voltaire gently holds Frederick's hand noticing how soft and warm it is. Frederick starts speaking in a calm yet cheerful tone.

Frederick: You will be safe I won't let anything happen to you, my friend. Now please rest you will need it for the journey tomorrow it might get tiring if you don't get enough sleep. The journey will be long.
Voltaire: Alright goodnight Frederick...

Voltaire slowly closes his eyes and enters a deep and peaceful sleep. Frederick notices that Voltaire is still gently holding his hand. Frederick quietly whispers to himself.

Frederick: I guess it helps him feel safe...Especially after Fred hurt him. I feel awful that he got hurt because he cares about me and my safety. I guess I should rest as well.

Frederick slowly closes his eyes entering one of his fantasies. He slowly opens his eyes and he stares into the burning orange flames in front of him listening to the crackling noise. He suddenly hears footsteps behind him along with a tired but serious voice.

Alexander: Your Majesty you should be resting. It's late and we had a huge battle today.

Alexander walks over to a nearby log and he sits down in front of Frederick. Frederick notices that the strap on Alexander's rifle is slightly torn. Frederick starts speaking in a slightly confused tone.

Frederick: What happened to your rifle Alexander?
Alexander: Got in a fight with a French General. I didn't get time to reload my rifle and I decided to use my rifle to defend myself so the strap might have gotten a bit torn up by the General's sword.
Frederick: Many died today...

Frederick gently clutches a dark green locket that is hanging around his neck. Alexander stares at him with slight concern he starts speaking in a concerned tone.

Alexander: Your Majesty don't...Please I know that it was a dark day today. But don't think about it. I know that it hurts you but please don't do what I think you were going to do...

Frederick lets go of the locket and he gazes at Alexander while holding back some tears.

Frederick: You're right I shouldn't be thinking that way...This day was dark and grim. Hundreds have died...
Alexander: You should get some rest, Your Majesty.
Frederick: I don't think I can this day will probably haunt me. Even I have some blood on my hands.
Alexander: I understand if you can't sleep. Sometimes people can't sleep after killing people.
Frederick: I will try to rest Alexander.
Alexander: Well, I guess I should be getting some rest too Your Majesty. Good night Your Majesty.
Frederick: Good night Alexander.

Alexander gets up and walks off into the darkness. Frederick suddenly grabs his flute which is lying beside him. He stares at it and notices the small crack on it which had been previously repaired. Frederick starts quietly talking to himself.

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