"Who said daddy is sad?" I caressed his face.
"Beomgyu I am happy! Cause of having you, your mom and grandma! Daddy is very thanksful for having you." I tickled him and he giggled.
"Daddy has work it is why I didn't come home but from nos on I always will be with you!" He smiled and hugged me.
"Thank you I love you!" I hugged him back and kissed his head.
"I love you more!" I love you all! I no longer wanna lose the valuable people in my life. At all!

Author pov

"Yeahhhh yeahhhhh! Yeahhhhhhh!" Jimin laughed as saw Jin splashing water all over Jungkook and he was doing the same.
"Ah so you splash water on me yeah?"
"Ahhh daddyyyy!" Jin giggled laughed as Jungkook held him in his arms and tossed him in the air.
"Jungkook be careful of him!"
"I am!" Jimin smiled looking at them.

"You're not alone!" Jin's voice then came in his mind. He swallowed and closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"What did you want to tell me Jin?" He whispered and bit his bottom lip.
"Jimin!" He opened his eyes and saw Jungkook coming along with Jin.
"You ok?" He nodded and smiled.
"Yeah! Let me put his towel or he'll catch a cold!" He took Jin's towel and put it on him.

"You had fun yeah?"
"Yeah! Loch op fun!" He smiled and caressed Jin's face and held him in his arms. He then gave Jungkook's towel.
"Your towel!" Jungkook smiled.
"Thank you!" Jungkook said and looked at him. He had alot of things in his mind and the most important and hardest one was how to tell Jimin that he had seen Taehyung! Moroever what Taehyung wants!

Jungkook pov

"Ohhhh fireeeee!"
"Go away from the fire baby! It is dangerous! Go to appa baby!" I told Jin who was standing on the chair near the barbecue.
"Jin baby come to appa! Your dad's right! It'll hurt you like the bad crab!" He quickly went down and ran to Jimin.

"My baby!" Jimin hugged him and kissed his cheek. I looked at him! I wonder how can I tell about Taehyung to him. This is surely the hardest thing I have ever done.
"Fire dendes!" I shifted my head as heard Jin who was in Jimin's hold coming to me.
"Yeah fire is dangerous!"
"Open your mouth!" He did and I put a little piece of meat in his mouth.

"Hmmmm! Yumyum!" I smiled and caressed his face.
"You like it?" He smiled and nodded to Jimin. Jimin smiled and kissed his cheek.
"You were ok today? Any pains or difficulities?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.
"I was alll fine! Stop worrying for useless things. I am completely fine. I have never been this good so stop over thinking!" I smiled and nodded.

"So how was your day?" He asked and ate some salad.
"Mine?" He nodded.
"Yeah! You started your new class."
"Ah that.....yeah! It was quiet tiring!" He pouted and nodded.
"Hmmm! It was tiring for us too. I wish it finished very soon." I looked at him and then Jin who was munching with pouted lips.
"It is ready! Let's eat." He nodded.

Jimin pov

"One two tee four fife sikch cheben eight non ten! Eleben tulelf teteen fourneen fifneen sikchin chebeneen eightneen noneen tweneen!" I clapped for Jin and kissed his cheek.
"Veryyyy good my baby!" I caressed his face and tickled him and he giggled out loud.

"Now close your eyes appa will tell you a story and Jinnie sleeps."
"Jinnie good boy cont true. I no sleep now!"
"Ah no no no! Good boys will sleep early!" He looked at me and pouted.
"So....Jinnie sleep now tomorrow I go fair with you and daddy!" I smiled.
"I will tell daddy so he comes earlier and we will take Jinnie to fair." He gigglss.
"Yeah I like it!" I smiled and kissed his head.
"Now close your eyes!" I caressed his hair.

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are....."

Author pov

Jungkook looked at Jimin and Jin who were speaking and sighed. Going downstairs he made coffee for himself and leaned to the counter. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew mentioning this by Jimin's condition was not easy but as well knew he must not hide anything from him.

After some time Jimin came down smiling!
"He slept?"
"Yeah! He was very tired that slept as soon as I started singing."
"Can't blame him though! After all you have a magical voice!" He looked at Jungkook and shook his head.
"Cheesy doesn't suit you!" Jungkook chuckled and sipped his coffee.

"Want coffee?" Jimin shook his head.
"No I'd rather a glass of water!" He said and went to the fridge.
"Ah today was crazy like he wouldn't let go of me. He was clinging like a coala I don't know why isn't he stable a day he clings till no end and a day he will neglect me. This child knows how to ac-"

"I saw Taehyung!" Jimin paused and looked at Jungkook. He tilted his head.
"Today! I saw him! In Orchid cafe!"
"And?" He closed his eyes.
"He wants....he wants....."
"He wants what?" Jimin asked with a serious tone. Jungkook looked at Jimin.
"He wants to see Jin!"

Heyyyyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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