45 (Father)

485 46 3

Jin pov

I looked all around. Everything was packed and alright! In that time my phone rang.
"Jin baby!"
"Baby we've just arrived." I smiled.
"Good really good!" I sighed.
"How's it there?"
"It is really good and beautiful! You must have been here to see the designs for the christmass."
"Good! So.....you are enjoying your time yeah?"
"Yes baby so much!" How can she say that? I swallowed.
"Good really good. I am glad you like it there."
"Yeah! Tae said we'll go to one of the restaurants here for the christmass and his birthday!" I smiled.
"I am happy you like it there."

"Mom how much you wanna keep talking? Hung it up we have more important matters!" I heard Tae from the other side of the line. I swallowed anf then smiled.
"Tae I am speak-"
"Mom he is right! Moreover I have alot to do as well. I'll call you later." I said as disn't want to here Taehyung's another heartbreaking response. I knew if he has time he can break me time each second.

"But ba-"
"Mom I am moving into the new house and am busy. I'll call you myself!"
"Ok baby! Take care."
"You too!" I then hung up the phone. Looking outside I could see the snowflakes dancing in the sky.
"It is snowing!" I smiled.
"Christmass is near!" I sighed. It was years that we didn't have a proper christmass. But this time I was alone! All alone by myself!
It didn't make any difference though! Even when I was a kid all of those sweet times would end up into a fight. A big fight for nothing! It was like dad was looking for a reason to make it a big deal and then boom! A bomb would explode in our house.


Author pov

Jin was sitting on a chair waiting for the nurse who took care of his dad. He was at the place he had hospitalize him.
"Hello Mr Kim!" He stood up and smiled.
"Hello Mrs Hwang!" She smiled.
"Come with me. He actually was waiting for you these days. He is sitting at that window waiting for your arrival!" He looked at his dad who was sitting on his wheelchair looking outside.

"How's he?" The nurse sighed.
"He doesn't remember yeah?"
"He knows some things but our tries wasn't useful! You know the amount of drug he was using was a long time. Moreover after he stopped it it had a great effect on his brain so you must not look for a big improve. As for his heart right now he is doing better but not sure when it'll bother him!" He sighed.

"I am not looking forward anything. Just want him to be happy and alright!" He then looked at Mrs Hwang and smiled.
"He has gone through alot!" The nurse smiled.
"I wanna take him out and do some shoppings for him."
"Of course! Just make sure you wear him enough!" He nodded and entered Namjoon's room.

"Jin?" He smiled as saw his dad's excited face. He couldn't believe the one who is sitting there like a child is the one who always would toture and abuse him.
"How are you today?" Namjoon smiled.
"It is christmass look it is snowing!" Jin smiled and sat in front of him.

When he found what has happened to his dad in the past he was in daze. He didn't know to be angry or sad! All he knew he was paying for the people who tortured his dad.
Namjoon was working since he was five as his dad died when he was still a child. Having 5 younger sister and brothers caused him to work and work even at nights. But he was a child. He would get tired. Wanted to sleep wanted to play. Till a day a man told him if he wants to be awake and eaen more he must use a drug. Being a kid and curious he tried and it was when he became addicted at the age of 10.

In Jin's thoughts his father was a victim! And his family was a victim cause of what happened to his father when he was a child. Namjoon was a brilliant and smart person but unfortunately the world was always against him.
"Yeah! Christmass is near."
"It is Taehyung's birthday too." The smiled on Jin's lips disappeared.
"We will celebrate it! I will buy him the toy car he wanted." Jin swallowed and nodded.

"Dad Taehyung is not here. He is.....he is at aunt Rose's house with mom."
"Oh! Then will you give it to him?" Jin pursed his lips trying not to cry and then nodded.
"Sure!" He then stood up.
"Okkk! It is time to get dressed and go out. We need to but a lot of things."

Jin pov

It still hurts when he is around. I still will have nightmares when I see or speak with him. But I have to! I have to take care of him. It is very hard for me. I tried alot but never ever could hate him! He always tortures me. Even by doing nothing!

He caused me to hate me myself! He made me a loser! He made me what I am now. But I cannot let him be by himself.

"Ok let me see! It suits good on you. Do you like it?" He looked at me and smiled.
"I like it!" I smiled.
"Alright we are done here."
"Won't you buy for yourself?" I stopped. How many years it is I haven't bought anything for myself?
"No! I have enough clothes."
"No! You are wearing the same thing you were wearing last christmass."
"Dad how do you remember?" He pouted and started playing with his fingers.

"I watch the videos when you come to me everyday."
"I am not bad. Mrs Hwang shows me. The CCTV." I couldn't believe. I went to him.
"I miss you! You come late." I took a deep breathe. I don't go to him cause my nightmares become worse. But.....this is not right! I caressed his hair.

"I will come more often!" He smiled.
"Now let's g-"
"Take this for yourself!" He said and pointed to a coat. I looked at it.
"It'll suit you very well!"

Author pov

"I told you this is good on you!" Jin smiled. It was a long time he hadn't bought anything for himself. He was just saving money at first for his car and then his new house.

"Yeah! You knew it well." Namjoon chuckled.
"Alright let me change your clothes as well or else you'll catch a cold." He said and started drying Namjoon's head who just had came out of the bathroom. After changing his clothes and brushing his hair he smiled to him.
"Now you look very handsome."
"Yeah Jisoo will like it." He said and looked all around.
"Where is she?" Jin bit his bottom lip.

"Dad you forgot? He is at aunt Rose's house."
"Yes with Taehyung!" Namjoon quickly looked at the car toy they bought. He made Jin to but that. Jin was amazed at it was the exact one Taehyung wanted when he was 5.
"You said you'll give it to him."
"I will! Now it is time for lunch. I bought you chicken as you like." He said and placed Namjoon on his bed with lots of struggles. He then put the items he had bought and Namjoon began eating.

"Hmmm! The food here is bad. This is good." Jin smiled.
"I will send yoy food from now on." Namjoon smiled.
"Why don't you eat?"
"I'm not hungry. I will eat later." He nodded and continued eating while alot of thoughts were in Jin's mind.

Just if he was a good father for them the things that happened never ever would happened. If he was a father. A father!

Heyyyyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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