54 (Please)

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Jimin pov

"Appaaaa! Appaaaa! Ahhhhhh you bad. Bad. Bad! Jinnie go Jinnie go!" I couldn't believe what I saw. Taehyung was there! I looked at Jin.
"Did he see you?" He burst into tears and started crying loudly.
"Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" I turned my head as heard horn sound.
"Jimin! Jimin!" Jungkook came down the car and came to us panicked. Did he call Taehyung?

"Jimin baby!" I looked at him.
"Ahhhhh! Daddyyyyy! Daddyyyyy!" He took Jin from me.
"Yes my baby yes! Shhhhshhhhh!" I swallowed and lowered my head.
"Jimin what happened? Why are you like this? Do you know that guy?" I looked at him. I swallowed and bit my bottom lip.
"He.....he.....didn't see Jin? Yes?"
"Jimin sweetheart what is th-"
"He.....he didn't see Seokjin? Yes?"
"What does he hav-"
"You called him yeah? You betrayed me and called him. You called him!" He narrowed his eyes.
"What are you saying? Who is he? Who are you talking ab-"
"What is this Jimin? Why are you act-"


Jungkook pov

"Your husband's pressure has raised. Fortuantely his heart is alright but you must prevent from these situations!" I nodded.
"Thank you doctor."
"It is better for him to stay here tonight!" I nodded.
"Yes doctor!" He smiled and went!

I sighed! So he was...... Taehyung!

"Taehyung is my younger brother. He is shy but very good looking! I am like mom while he has her voice." I bit my bottom lip.

"Appa sleeping aden!" I looked at Jin.
"What baby?" He pouted.
"He sleep aden like that time." He said and pouted more. I caressed his face.
"No baby! Appa is alittle tired and will wake up soon." He looked at me with teary eyes.
"Appa....sleep....Jinnie cry?" I kissed his cheek and wiped yis tears.
"No my baby! Appa isn't asleep cause you were crying!" I tapped his back.
"Appa is tired. He will wake up soon! Wanna see appa?" He quickly nodded.

"Yeah! We will go to appa. Appa has missed Jinnie alot!" As we stepped in I found Jimin sitting on the bed.
"Jimin ba-"
"Jin! Jin!" He opened his arms for Jin.
"He is here. He is here all fine!" He took Jin from me and kissed his head.
"My baby! My baby!" He hugged Jin and kissed his head multiple times.

"Appa! No cry!" He looked at Jin and smiled.
"Appa's not crying baby! Appa just missed you! My babyyyy!"
"Jimin sweetheart!" He looked at me and swallowed.
"What was he doing there?"
"Jimin I don't-"
"You called him?" I held his hand and caressed it.
"Jimin baby! I even didn't know he is Taehyung." He closed his eyes and cried.
"Don't bring his name!"
"Alright alright! I'm sorry. Baby I didn't know who he is. He was there when I came out of my office and asked if I am Jeon Jungkook. I don't know how he has found me." He didn't say anything.

"Jimin believe me I didn't know who he is and don't know what he wants or why he was there." He looked at me.
"I believe you!" He whispered and swallowed. He looked at Jin and smiled. He kissed his haie and caressed his face.
"He wanted to go to the fair!"
"We will go another time."
"Can we take him now? I don't feel good to see him sad while he must have had fun."
"Jimin the doctor said you mus-"
"Please! I feel better that way!" I sighed and nodded.

"I'll speak with your doctor." He smiled.
"Thank you!"

Taehyung pov

"Daddy! Daddy!" That voice! That face.
"No no it.....it cannot happen!" I shook my head. It was Jimin who held that child and called him....
"Seokjin!" I quickly went to our albums. I looked searching for Jin's photos.
"Where is it? Where is i-" I found the picture he had on the wall of his room. It was his picture when he was a year old.

"Daddy! Daddy!"
"Yes my baby!" It is.....him! I swallowed.
"How come....no he wasn't Seokjin! He wasn't!"

Jimin pov

The second I saw Taehyung it was like the world crumbling all over my head. The fact that he may have heard and seen Jin is making me afraid.
"What if he takes my baby?"
"Appaaaa!" I shifte my head. I smiled as saw Jin giggling in Jungkook's hold. They came to me.
"Did you have fun driving?" He nodded.
"Jinnie.....dife car best!" I smiled and caressed his face.
"Yes my Jin is the best driver!"

"He is hungry! He was asking for food."
"Ah yeah he didn't have anything after lunch."
"Let's go to that restaurant!" I nodded.
"Yeah let's go!" I looked at Jungkook as he held my hand and was smiling to me.

"What is this?" He sighed.
"Nothing! Just am happy that have you two beside me." I smiled.
"I love you!" I chuckles.
"I love you too!"
"Love Jinnie!" We laughed as Jin said that.
"You little devil you cannot see us expressing our feelings?" He tightened his brows and looked at Jungkook and hugged me tightly.
"Appa loves me!" I laughed and shook my head.
"What about me then? You two don't love me? I buy you french fries." Jungkook said. He tilted his head.
"Fech fedas?" He whispered. I smiled and looked at him. He suddenly smiled boldly and made a hwart upward his head.

"Daddy!" Jungkook his head.
"You are something!"
"Me Jinnie!" We laughed.
"Ok ok! Now let's have dedishesh food yeah? Yeah?" I asked and tickled him and he giggled out loud.

Author pov

"You sure you are ok? I can stay-"
"Jungkook I am fine! You have work and must go. I am all fine!" Jungkook was still looking at Jimin with worried eyes.
"I am fine!" He smiled.

"Alright!" He looked at Jin who was playing with his toys speaking with them.
"Jin!" He looked at Jungkook.
"Take care of appa ok?" He nodded.
"Otay! Jinnie bedafe I say evenytime listen. I take cede of you and appa. Go bye daddy!" He said and sent a flying kiss. I laughed and shook my head.
"Ok Mr brave! Daddy is going!" He didn't say anything and put JinJin in his car.

"He is into his playing!" Jimin said and smiled.
"Let him be! Take care ok? Don't over think and rest well. If you had pain or felt down ca-"
"Jungkook ok ok! I am all fine believe me now stop an dgo to work!"
"Bye baby! Love you!"

Jungkook pov

I came out of the car and took my bag. I went to my office.
"Hello professor Jeon!" I smiled.
"Hello! I am going inside bring my schedule."
"Sir you have a visitor!" She said and pointed to the seats. My eyes got widen open.

"Mr Kim is the one I told you he ca-"
"I have no times-"
"Mr Jeon I know you probably know about me now. I am Taehyung! Jin's brother, Kim Seokjin I don't know if you remen-"
"Well.....actually I think you were the one who forgot him that time." He lowered his head.

"As I remember I haven't seen you! Nor heard of you. I ain't the one who has forgotten him. Mr Kim Taehyung!" He bit his bottom lip and looked at me.
"I know all Jimin has told about me is hatred an-"
"My husband has just told facts! Not to mention your being caused him an attack. Please sir! We are having a pleasant life don't ru-"

"Seokjin!" I froze as heard what he sais.
"I mean your son!" I turned to him.
"Don't get me wrong I am not here....for him or anything like that." He swallowed.
"I am....I am looking for a way.....to make things right!" He started crying.
"Someone told me.....you can help me....if you let me. I think.....that child.....the Seokjin you have.... is the answer." I bit my botton lip.

"Please......I am looking for a way to fix it-"
"I ain't the one who can help you!" He came and held my hand as I was about to go.
"Please think about it! I know you and Jimin may hate me but.....please let me at least know about my brother's life and last seconds. I.....I.....have seen some videos of him and he was speaking about you. You were so precious to him please Mr Jeon help me the way you helped Jin to taste the real happiness! Please!"

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