44 (Too much to ask)

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Jin pov

"They left! It is for real. I am all alone now. Mom told me she'll stay if I want to but I myself insisted so she goed with Tae.
Tae was always clingy when it comes to mom. He needs mom more than me. I can do everything on my own. Knowing they're doing well is all I want." I stopped writing.

"Why am I fooling myself?" I put the pen down.
"She wouldn't stay even if I have asked her." I swallowed. Taking the paper out I ripped it.

"She left! It was not like she would stay if I wanted. I didn't insist cause knew it won't work. Like whenever I asked her to fight for me but she never did. It always was like this.
When her sister kicked me out she took her side. When Tae started beating me when I wanted to hire a lawyer for her divorce matter she took his side and even beat me alomg with him. When dad would yell at me and beat me she would take his side. Doesn't she love me?
I remember she would make what Taehyung likes to eat but when it would come to me.....she was tired! Tired of me and the life. I always ended up crying.

It is why I gave up! Fighting was not working anymore." I stopped writing as heard my phone.
"Hello Jimin!"
"Heyyyy! How are you doing?"
"I'm fine!"
"They left?"
"Yeah! Hours ago! Their plane has taken off about an hour."
"So you've just came back from the airport?" I swallowed.

"I didn't go!"
"Ummm.....I was tired so yeah I just said goodbye to mom."
"Ah! She must be sad cause of that. I mean she surely wanted to be next to you as long as she could." Did she?
"You're alone now."
"Wanna come here?"
"Of course!" I smiled.
"Alright! Come and then we will order something for the lunch."

Author pov

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"
"I am coming!" Jin said while was laughing and went to the door.
"Hey I am freezing!" He shook his head as opened the door.
"You are worse than a-"
"Go away! Ohhhh I am freezing!" Jimin said and went and sat on the sofa.

"It is near December! What do you expect of this season?" He said and gave Jimin a glass of hot chocolate.
"Ah good friend they say! It is when you know your friend very well." Jin chuckled. Jimin looked all around.
"You've packed!"
"Yeah! I am moving in two days. I am going to sell some and donate some others."
"You won't take then to the new house?" Jin shook his head. Deep in his heart he hated all those stuffs.

"Just my personal stuffs." Jimin nodded.
"Alright I'll help you! I'll stay here with you as long as you don't kick me out. I know my friend well you become tired when you have a guest." Jin laughed.
"I am not tired for you. And you are not a guest." Jimin stood up and followed Jin to the kitchen.
"Ohhh! Then what am I?" Jin took the phone.
"A family maybe?" Jimin smiled boldly.

"How about pizza?"
"I love it!" Jimin said and started roaming everywhere.
"Hello! This is Kim Seokjin. I wanted to order." Jimin went to Jin's room.
"Ah his bed is very good. He must take-" He stopped as saw the blood strains on the ground. He could see some fingerrpints on the sheets of the bed.

"Alright! I am waiting! Jimin!" As Jin came Jimin quickly turned to him.
"You ok?" He asked worried.
"What is this? You look-"
"This blood strain and tha- "
"This is nothing!" Jin said and took the sheet and put it beside the bloody shirt was there.

"What do you mean? Jin you haven't done-"
"Jimin I am afraid of blader and anything connected to that. It is just last not my nose started bleeding."
"On the cold tile? Yeah? Then why the sheets are not bloody but the ti-"
"Jimin it happ-"
"Why are you-"
"My dear brother Kim Taehyung started insulting me, calling me names, saying shits about me and I couldn't stand for myself then a fucking headache came through my head that it fucking hurt and my fucking nose started bleeding." He said frustrated and swallowed trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry!" He whispered and took a deep breathe.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell jus- Jimin!" Jimin hugged him and caressed his back.
"You know you can cry if you want yeah?" Jin bit his bottom lip.
"Why they do not love me? Am I not lovable?" Jimin stepped back.
"I am just asking for my family's love. Taehyung is not even speaking with me. Five years Jimin! It is five years he doesn't consider me as a human and even insults me in the worst ways. I just wanna be happy next to them. I just have them. Jimin Is it too much to ask? Am I asking too much Jimin?" Jimin smiled and wiped his tears.

"Of course not but.....unfortunately people.....do not want to give what we want easily." Jin burst into tears. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. All the frustration he was going through all these years were back.
"I just wanna be happy! I am.... tired. I am.... sick of this depression! It is....it is always a lamp here.....doesn't.....doesn't.... let me....let me breath. It is....it is.....heavy here.....I am tired." He hiccuped cried and screamed tapping on his chest. It as well made Jimin to cry.

"Ji....Ji....Jimin! I....I....I am sad. I'm not....not good." Jimin hugged him again.
"I am always here for you! I am always with you."

Jimin pov

I set the table for us. After a long cry he finally calmed down and was now lying on the sofa.
"Let me help-"
"I am fine! So.....what did you do about your apply?"
"I've sent my resume."
"Hmmm!" In that time the door rang.
"I will get it! It is the delivery surely." He said and stood up.

"Jin should I-"
"Jin sweetheart!" I got shocked to see his aunt. He was standing there looking at her.
"What are you doing here?" He asked her. I looked at him. I knew how much he hates her. She had kicked him out of her house when they didn't have any place to stay. He came to our house crying nonestop while his nose was bleeding. He said she had told him unbelievable things and on top of that she had said he is a psycho that must be hospitalized. Even his mother had said to him. Not long after she wanted to kick Taehyung and his mom too but they found a house. From that time whenever Jin has headache and is under pressure his nose starts to bleed.

But things changed! When Jin entered the university and became the best student. It makes him to hate her more and more.
"Ah I brought you some food." She said and entered. She looked at me.
"I didn't know you have a vi-"
"You would if you have told me."
"Jin I will be in your ro-"
"No need for that!" He said and looked at her aunt.

"You brought food thank you now you can go!" She chuckled.
"Jin this is me aunt Rose! Now your mom's not here I am like your mom baby!" Jin laughed.
"Mom!" He whispered.
"You remember when you kicked me out?" She sighed.
"Jin that t-"
"6 years ago! I was homeless with epilepsy! You pushed me and I fell on the ground. Were unconciouse for about an hour and then when I woke up you kicked me out." He said and bit his bottom lip. I could feel he was trying not to cry.

Jin pov

As I look at her my anger grows more and more. I swallowed! I don't want to break in front of her.

"Jin baby! I couldn't keep you. My daughter was a child and she was scared moreover what if something have had happened to you. That time your dad was-"
"Did you even think what will happen to me? Do you even know what happened that day to me? With no money! Not a place to stay. Not a person next to me. No hope!" 
"Jin -"
"You have no idea!" I said and chuckled. All those painful seconds are here. Inside my heart killing me each second.
"It was why I never came to your house again and never ever will come." I smiled.

"You know how many times you broke me?" I then went near her.
"But I stood up! To show you I can. Whenever you would say you can't made me stronger." I threw what she had brought.
"If I were good to you was cause of my mom who loves you foolishly! Never ever come here or to me. I don't someone like you in mylife!" I stepped back.

"Now you are very welcome to go!" I said and opened the door for her.
"You have no shame and do-"
"I ain't the shameless person here. And also I don't give a fuck what will you tell to my mom. I am used to her having your side."

Heyyyyy! Did you like it? I know the amount of angst is very high now! It'll pass eventhough this story is not a fluffy one and the readers already know! Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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