17 (Attention)

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Author pov

"Things can be unbelievable in times! Then you find how hilarious those unbelievable things were?

It just need your imagination! Using 3500mg of neurotic pills! Having an alchoholic and addicted father who is all shouting and everyone are looking and they ask you to act normal! Yeah! I lost it! I screamed! I hurst myself! I wanted to die. But....they said I am....the crazy one! I should go and get hospitalize.
They kicked me out without any money! Not a dollar! My aunt kicked me out of her house after my dad did teh same thing to all of us knowing well I will faint soon after leaving and my mom......why didn't you anything mom? Tae why did you accompany her in kicking me out? Why did you call me crazy?" Jungkook swallowed and turned to the other page.

"Jimin! What can describ him? An angel?

I must be thanksful to him or else I would be in the street those days! I would get raped! Would kill myself! Would get beaten up! The worst things could happen! But.....he was the only one who answered my phone and came! He came! It means alot! He came. Someone loves me yeah? Yeah?

He gave hope! He gave a light when everything was dark!"

Jimin pov

"Oh!" I turned to Jin as heard him. He had the flour all over himself. He then giggled pouring more flour on himself.
"Oh! What did you do?" He looked at me with his bamby eyes and tilted his head.

"Punny!" He giggled and threw some flour on me. I laughed and held him.
"It is fun?" He nodded.

Author pov

"The very first time someone celebrated my birthday was Jimin! He took me to a cafè!

It was the most beautiful birthday I ever had! I didn't want that night to finish! I wish I could die after that! With a big smile!

Why did it finish huh? I wanted to have fun and get love from Jimin! Why did it finish like that? Why I ended up crying alone in my bed again? Why? Why I couldn't live with him forever?"

Jimin pov

"Ok ok enough! You played enough! Look you are a mess being messy is?" He looked at me and pouted.
"Being messy is?"
"Bad!" He said as was playing and giggling. I chuckled and held him in my arms.
"You say it is bad but still are making mess. Look now Lisa will come and say oh Jin is messy I won't play with messy people."

Jungkook pov

"Then appa will be mad and cry cause she called my baby messy! My baby must always be clean. You are the most beautiful prince you must be always clean!" From the time Jin has borned Jimin is always with him. Not a second I've seen he takes his eyes from Jin. Even when he is asleep.

I remember he would watch Jin while he was asleep when he was little. He still does when he finds I'm not around.
"Daddyyy!" I smiled as Jin called me and giggled.
"Aw you're here?" Jimin asked and smiled.
"Come and have your breakfast till I am cleaning this mister." Jin whined moving in Jimin's hold.
"No bat! No bat!" Jimin shook his head.

"This child! Just look at yourself. You are a mess!" He said and went upstairs with whiny Jin.

"So what you are saying is-"
"Jin! Can't you hear your phone? Why do you have that for?" I got shocked as someone came inside without knocking. Jin chuckled and went to him.
"Sorry I was busy working an-"
"Forgot you must eat and rest yeah? Ahhhhh how forgetful you can be? You must take care of yourself! Here I brought you lunch! We can have lunch together!" He smiled and nodded.

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