4 (Soulmate)

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Jungkook pov

"Yeah yeah today's my baby's birthday! My prince is getting one." I could hear Jimin speaking with Jin and he was giggling.
"Aw look at my handsome boy! Look how cute you are in this shirt. Who is my prince?" He said and pinched Jin's nose lightly. Jin giggled out loud.

"Me! Me!" He said and tapped his chest. I smiled. Whenever I look at him all comes in my mind is was Jin as pure as him? Was he as loving as him? Was he as innocent as him? And all the time I only can find one answer!

"Wait!" He ran toward the boy was sitting in the street. People just would looking at him and crossing him.
"It is cold why are you sitting here? Why you do not have enough clothes?"
"I....I'm fine!" The boy said trembling.
"You are trembling! Jungkook we must buy him food and dress and then take him to a charity to help!"

"You were the kindest!"

"Ok he is fine now an-"
"No we will wait till he eats!" He said and smiled to me. The weather is cold and I myself am freezing.
"Why this world is so cruel?" I sighed.
"Sometimes things don't work!" I said
"I sometimes just think it is better everything be destroyed in this inhuman world. This world doesn't deserve existence."

"Appa!" Jin giggled out loud.
"My baby!"
"How did they do such a things to you?" I swallowed and shook my head.

"Sometimes I think this world is bad but then.....reality snaps me!" He wiped his tears and smiled. A bitter one!
"Jin!" He looked at me.
"It is beautiful! It is loving! It is worthy! But when you are beautiful you are loving and you are worthy! It hurts when you try your best but nothing changes. It.....it really hurts!"

"You are beautiful! You are loving the most loving person I've seen and worthy! You are Seokjin!"
"Do you know what is being heart broken?"
"Wh-what?" He sighed and looked at the sky.
"When I was little I asked my mom what is to be heart broken? How does the heart breaks? It is not like a glass. She smiled and said you will understand when you get older. Wanna know what happened?" I looked at him.

"When I found what does it mean I wish I have never asked that! I wish I have never understood it! Heart is way fragile than a glass. When it breaks nothing can put the pieces back. The....the pieces....will just get smaller and smaller and smaller."

"Da! Da! Da!" I shifted my head as heard Jin. He was pointing to me.
"Yes my baby!" He giggled and made grabby hands.
"Da! Da!" I held him in my arms and kissed his head.
"Happy birthday my baby! Awww my baby is going to be a big man? Yeah? Yeah?" He giggled.
"Yeah yeah!" He said making us to laugh.

"Morning!" I looked at Jimin.
"Ummm.....I wanted to go to buy some stuffs for his birthday! His babysitter will come and help me along. I've prepared your lunch an-"
"I'll accompany you!" He looked at me surprised.
"Jin likes it when the both of us are with him." He smiled and nodded.
"Yeah yeah! Jin likes! He likes it!"

Jimin pov

I wore Jin's shirt and his beter hat.
"Ready?" He clapped his hands.
"Dedy!" I laughed and held him in my arms. Putting his blanket all over him I went downstairs.

"You ready?" I looked at Jungkook!
"Da! Da!" I smiled and looked at Jin. He loves when we go out together. The three of us.
"I always wished to have a family! A real one!" I closed my eyes! But it is just an act! He is doing this for Jin. Jungkook and I have so much in the way. I'm afraid of the day Jin finds the hate he has for me.

"Dedy!" He chuckled and took Jin from me.
For us Jin is our world! As much as he is hurt cause of losing Seokjin I am too! He lost his love and I lost my best friend. Here we are trying to make things right! But I'm afraid we mess up more! I'm afraid we destroy our son's life! I'm afraid of the fact things are shitty! The fact.....it hurts alot knowing I am bonded to someone who hates me. The fact I am.....I am developing feelings for him.

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