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Taehyung pov

"Ahhh it is the day after christmass!" He chuckled and bit his bottom lip.
"To be honest.....I never liked christmass eve!" He lowered his head.
"It is cold in christmass! The night is dark and it gets colder and colder. It always snows and it makes it more freezing." He sighed.

"I hate cold weather! Darkness! Loneliness! And when the snow falls and I have to look at the snowflakes all alone. Maybe it is why I hate christmass." He shook his head.
"But I would tremble at christmass cause of dad's yellings! Then it was Taehyung and then cause I was afraid. I was alone. It was a cold and dark night! Why did you leave me all these years? I was afraid. I wasn't happy at the night everyone were. I was afraid why did you leave?" I closed my eyes and let the tears fall.

He chuckled and smiled boldly.
"But it was different this year." He smiled and came near the camera.
"Jungkook! You made that cold night warm. The dark night bright and made me happy." He smiled bolder.
"It was all I wanted. Thank you! I taste it! The sweet taste of happiness." I swallowed.

"I wanna leave cause.....this is enough for me. I tasted the real happiness and now..... am afraid lose it. So let's leave when I have that happiness inside me. Yeah?" He asked with a smile while his eyes were teary. I shook my head.
"No! Jin! No!"
"Tae!" He cried and bit his bottom lip.
"I always liked you even you broke me. The more I tried the more I loved you. I always loved Yeonjun cause he was like you! I always qere happy when you would spsak with me, play with me just used to be qith me. There were those times that I was really happy." He was staring at the camera.
"M-mom!" He smiled.
"It was a long time I was tired. I told you! I am just tired. It is the time to rest! Jimin oh.....you were a bliss to my life. Come and see me ok? And Jungkook!" He smiled.

"I was cruel to you! I am sorry. And appreciate you! I just wished.....I just wished I had seen you....sooner. When I could still....come over alot of....things. I wish we had met sooner cause now.....now I just will.....ruin you!" He smiled to the camera.
"I love you!" He then turned the camera off.

"Nooooo! Noooooo!" I looked through the videos. It was recorded at the day he killed himself.
"Nooooooooo! Noooooooo! Noooooooooooooo!" I cried.
"Please come backkkkk! I wanna see you againnnn! I am sorryyyyyy! Come backkkk! Come backkkkkk!"

Jimin pov

"Ahhhh! Daddy daddy!" I smiled as heard Jin's loud giggles and went to them.
"Again again again!" Jungkook tossef him in the air and he giggled out loud again.
"You're having fun?" Jungkook turned to me and smiled.

"Appaaaa! Come play!" I went and kneeled in fromt of him.
"Aren't you hungry?" He shook his head.
"Jinnie play?"
"Aw daddy is tired! He just has came from work. He is hungry. Jinnie is hungry too." He pouted and looked at Jungkook.
"Taderd?" Jungkook chuckled and held him in his arms.

"Let's go and eat! Jinnie must eat well so he will be a big man yeah?" We went inside.
"Jinnie big man! Like daddy and appa." We both chuckled.
"Now Jinnie must wash and come to have dinner."
"I'll take him with me!" I smiled and nodded.

Things have changed! It is like a miracle! Like after Jin's birth we've been borned again. Everyday is brighter and that bitter memories are fading! Eventhough Seokjin is deep in my heart but I decided to keep the beautiful things about him. The jolly side! That beautiful smile! When he used to joke around and the beautiful moments we had.

"Appa!" Like my Jin!
"Yes my baby? Appa made you spaghetti!"
"Hmmm! Spagetig!" I chuckled and kissed his head.
"No kiss for me?" Jungkook pouted with furrowed eyes.
"Don't be jealous of your own son!" I said and kissed his lips.
"I am not jealous of him just reminding you I need attention too." I shook my head and chuckled.

"JinJin! It dinner where you?"
"JinJin was hungry appa fed him." I said as didn't have the energy to go upstairs and bring JinJin.
"Yeah?" I nodded.
"Ahhh! He bad! I tell JinJin wait me come we eat. He bad fend!" We both chuckled.
"Baby he was hungry you were busy playing." He pouted but his eyes lightened up as saw the food.
"Spagetig!" He said and giggled.
"Wait wait let me wear you your apron!" He took one spaghetti and put it in his mouth munching cutely as I was wearing his apron.

"Professor Charlote called!" I looked at Jungkook.
"Yeah?" He nodded.
"Yeah! He asked me for one more class I told him I'm not sure if I can but he insisted alot." I ate some of my food and looked at him.
"You recogmize Jin is getting older and we need you more yeah?" I asked him.
"I don't mean to stop you just you know I wanna start some things as he is near three he is at the age of learning and I don't want to lose this time." He smiled and held my hand.

"Babe I know that! This is enough sacrifice that you stopped working cause of him. I myself don't want to lose his chidlhood. I wish I could be here every second. We are lucky enough that we are not that young which must work alot for a life." I smiled. He began eating.
"I told professor too and he agreed just two or three days in a week I will take that. Also I prefer to work at the labratory more and he is aware of it so yeah in years I will reduce teaching and focus on my studies." I smiled.

"Thank you! It is really good. Jin also loves it when we spend time together like when we went to Seoul!" He caressed Jin's hair who was eating with pouted lips. I smiled and pinched his cheek lightly and he giggled.
"Oh! Did you find Yeonjun though? I think he can be a good help with your studies and those notes."

Jungkook pov

Yeonjun! Choi Yeonjun!
"He is so sweet and loving! I love taking care of him. He remindes me of the times I would take care of Tae."

"So he is like Taehyung?"
"Who are you talking about?" I turned as heard Jimin. He looked irritated! Maybe cause heard I said Taehyung's name?
He came in Jin his hold moving and whining.
"Why is he-"
"You were talking about Taehyung!" He cut me with a serious face and started swinging Jin in his hold.
"No it is jus-"
"Why were you speaking about him? Have you seen him? Or are looking for him? Jungkook I am tell-"

"Jimin calm down! You don't look alright!" I took Jin from hin.
"Ahhh daddyyy! I no go tek bath!" I tapped his back and helped Jimin to sit.
"Jimin baby-"
"I hate him! His being and his name. He must be dead! A killer must be dead!" He said and took a deep breath.
"Sweetheart I just remembered once Jin told me Yeonjun....Yeonjun-"

"They are very similar with face but in behaviour whole different." He said and took Jin from me.
"Let's go splash splash!" Jin giggled and they went. I sighed and looked at the number I had feom Yeonjun!

"Should I call him?" 

Taehyung pov

"Tae!" I sighed and looked at Beomgyu who was playing in the yard.
"Tae baby why are like this today?" I took a deep breath.
"Today I saw.....the very last.....seconds of Jin's life."
"Tzuyu.....whay did I do?" She hugged me. I bit my bottom lip.
"I put alot of injuries all over his body." I wiped my tears.
"When he used to say he is broken I didn't believe but just broke him more! When he said he wanna finish everything I hit him and finished everythinh for him in his mind. Tzuyu....I fucked up Tzuyu I fucked up!" She hugged me and caressed my back.

"Hey! All of us make mistakes. I am sure doesn't want to see you like this."
"I am just looking for a way to make it right! But there is no-"

"Someone can help you for making things right! But you must see professor Jeon for that. If he doesn't let you, you cannot do anything!"
"Jeon Jungkook!"

Heyyyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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