3 (Smile)

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Jimin pov

"What's your name baby?"
"Shin!" Jin said and giggled. Jungkook put his face in his stomache and shook his head making him to giggle out loud.
"How old are you?" He quickly looked at me making me to laugh.
"One!" I whispered and he smiled.

"Va!" He turned to Jungkook and said.
"Ah you cheated!" He tilted his head and looked at Jungkook.
"Come on he doesn't understand what you say!" I told Jungkook but like always he ignored me. I took a deep breathe and went to the kitchen.
"Ohhh ohhh ohhhh!" I heard Jungkook and then Jin's loud laugh.

"Ok what is daddy's name?"
"No my name my name!" I looked at Jin who was trying to say.
"Jugu!" I smiled as he said that making Jungkook to smile.
"Ahhh you are the loveliest!" He kissed him all over his face making Jin to giggle out loud.
"Yes my babyyy!" He hugged Jin tightly. Jin looked at me and I smiled to him.

"Appa.....Jimin!" He said and pointed to me and giggled.

"Yup!" He smiled to me and put his head on his knee looking at me.
"Let's go to the mountain! I like it there!" I laughed.
"Mountain? Are you out of mind? Me mountain?" He laughed.
"Come on you lazy!"
"Nooo! Let's go and try the new cafe in the town!" He sighed and pouted.

"Ummm....my mom don't let me eat out you know she believes it is dirty and stuffs. OCD!" I bit my bottom lip. It is cause of the money! I know it is hard for him to afford. He gives all he works to his mom.
"Jin! Come on! I already have taken some money from dad for school stuffs. By my treat!" He lowered his head.

"I do like to come....but my mom! Hey I'll talk to her."
"I will talk to her if he didn't let you!" He smiled.
"Ahhh Jimin I love you!"

"Appa!" I came out of my thoughts when Jin called me. He was looking at me with pouty lips making grabby hands.
"Yes my baby!" I opened my arms for him making him to smile.
"What is appa's name?" He giggled.
"Jimin!" He said and clapped his hand.

"Yes! Aren't you the smartest? Huh. Huh?" Like Jin! He would solve the hardest problems. The way everyone adored him in school. I looked at Jungkook who was looking at the ground.
"Go to your dad! Appa is going to bring mama!"
"Mama! Mama! Mama!" He said multiple times making both of us to laugh.

I looked at Jungkook! It is year! We are living but the hate he has for me hasn't faded. He just speaks few words with me. I thought it is nothing but it hurts!

Jungkook pov

"Mama! Yum yum!" Jin said and giggled. I smiled and caressed his face.
"Tomorrow's Jin's birthday! You haven't forgotten have you?" Jimin said and pinched Jin's nose lightly making him to giggle. I chuckled.
"I do not have alzhiemer and don't forget my priorities." He lowered his head and sighed.

He shifted his head and looked at me.
"That night I didn't forget nor forget my priorities! I was sick an-"
"And all of a sudden showed the next day?" He chuckled.
"I don't have any reason to prove this for you! More I appreciate you do not act like this when Jin is here." I looked at Jin who was munching his food on his highchair looking at us.

"Here my baby have some more of your soup!" Jimin gave him his soup.
"We need to arrange everything! Our parents are coming you remember right?" I sighed.
"Don't give me that sigh! Please act correct toward me once cause of Jin's sake I don't want my parents feel the way I am feeling right now ok?" He said softly. I chuckled.
"I have already done alot for his sake an-"

"You have to! He is our son! Remember the rules you yourself put for us!" I sighed and closed my eyes.

Author pov

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