29 (Speaking to me)

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Sensetive scenes mention of depression and suicide

Author pov

"Ladies and gentelmem welcome to Seoul's internaional airport!" Jimin looked all around. The were in Seoul! Where most of his bad memories were placed.
Unknowingly his mind went to the very first time he and Jin spoke.

Jimin was sitting on one of the school benches. He had came early to school and was sitting alone. Being new in secondary school none of them knew eachother.
His eyes then met the boy he had seen in his class through the week. He was strangely quiet. He was alone most of the times and eould spend his breaks alone behind the trees. The boy who was sitting in the first bench in the middle row.

"Hey!" The boy who was reading a book shifted his head. He smiled.
"You are in our class right?" Jimin smiled and nodded.
"Awe you remember me! I am Jimin!"
"I am Seokjin! You can call me Jin!" He said and hugged himself as a cold breeze came.
"Ahhh last night was very cold! Today is cold as well!" Jin pouted and nodded.
"Yeah! We turned our warming system on!"
"Oh we were changing my room's window as the glass was broken. Imagine how cold I got!" Jimin said. Jin's eyes widened.
"Oh! It must have been hard!" Jimin nodded.
"It was I was freezing!" He said and giggled. They continued speaking and sharing different things rill was the class time. Jimin looked at Jin.
"I wanna sit next to you!" Jin looked at him.
"I am ok with that but must tell the one who sits beside me." Jimin then went and spoke with their classmate and he accepted and he happily sat next to Jin.

Since then they were always beside eachother. They were in same groups shared same place and would do everything together.

"Appa! Appa!" Jimin came back from his thoughts and looked at Jin.
"My baby you are awake?" He caressed Jin's face. Taking a cloth he made it wet and then washed his face with it.
"Ok! Let's have some of your soup hmmm?" He began feeding Jin who was being fussy.
"No! No!"
"Baby I know you are tired! Daddy will now come with our luggage and we go to our hotel yeah?"
"We go tavel?" Jimin chuckled.
"We actually had travelled. We are now where appa and daddy have borned." Jin looked at him with confused eyes. Jimin chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Jimin!" He turned his head.
"You came?"
"My baby!" Jungkook caressed Jin's face who scrunched his forehead.
"He is tired." Jimin said.
"Sorry it took some time! I hired a taxi let's go!"

Taehyung pov

I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe.
"I must do it!" Opening the door I looked the house. Unknowingly my tears came down. I entered the house and closed the door.

"I can smell you!" Jin's scent was everywhere. I wiped my tears and looked all around. They were some pills on the counter.

"Jin baby I called you multiple times you didn't answer!" Mom asked Jin.
"Yeah?" She nodded. I heard a sigh.
"Ummm.....I was tired and fell asleep mom!"
"Seems being lazy and useless hasn't changed in you! Sleeping for 7 hours! Like wow!" He chuckled.
"Hi Tae!" I rolled my eyes.
"I was tired so I overslept! Sorry mom! Anyway when are you coming?"
"Not this year! If you wanna see mom you can come here for a day or two!" He smiled.
"A day or two!" He nodded.
"The was is not worth it! From America to Germany! I'll wait for next year!"

"But.....next year.....never came!" I swallowed.
"And it's my fault!" All of those pills were the most powerful ones that put you sleep.
I sighed and took my way upstairs.

The first time I went there.....I was faced with the most terrifying scene in my life. Every step was reminding that day.
"Poor boy! He was a sweet boy always smiling!" An old woman said crying. I found Jimin sitting on Jin's bed looking inside the bathroom. The police was there taking multiple pictures.

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