13 (Father)

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Author pov

"I wish I sometimes could forget! That I could clean some parts from my mind! Then maybe I could live better?

I don't know! Maybe the things are hurting my heart are the reason that are making me strong? But.....am I even strong?

Today two little boys were playing! They were really cute! They were laughing screaming and running after each other! Loving yes? But it reminds me when dad hit me and Tae when we were playing with our cousin! He kicked back of Tae's! Not caring he was only 3! My lips were bleeding and Tae peed in his pants!

My cousin came and hugged us but.....what was bothering me was not the pain of hitting. It was I felt like trash! Everyone's eyes were on us! Like.....what were they thinking? I am low? It is the least in one of the child's rights! Playing! Why did he even hit us!

The worse thing was my mom was scolding me! Telling me I told you not to play. I wanted to play with Tae and Jaehyun! What was the wrong part? I remember how we were having fun! How Taehyung was.....giving his boxy smile. But then........

I was just a kid! A kid!"

Jungkook's tears were falling on the notebook as was reading what Jin had written.
He knew reading what Seokjin has left won't be easy! He knew he will face lots of painful things.
He wiped his tears and looked at the page again! Imagining what happened to Jin when he was just a child was painful!

Then Jin's gigglings and screamings while playing came in his mind! How can someone fade that beautiful smile? He was his father and never ever could imagine banning his son from his simple right!

"Daaaa! Daaaa!" He heard Jin and then bangings came from the door. Jin was moving alot these days and controlling him was not easy! He would move everywhere as was learning how to walk himself.

"Jin! Jin baby!" He heard Jimin screaming in fear. Opening the door he was faced by a smily Jin opening his arms for him.
"Daaaaa!" He said and tilted his head with a bold smile.
"My babyyyyy!" He hugged Jin and kissed his cheek.

"Jin! Jin!"
"Jimin he is here!" Jungkook told and Jimin ran upstairs panicked.
"Oh my god! I just went to put your clothes in the closet and you faded?" Jimin said and took Jin from Jungkook. A week had passed and Jimin was showing another side to Jungkook! The cold and ignoring one!

"Be more careful he may fall from the stai-"
"He won't! I have closed the door of it! More I told you to set cameras in everywhere." Jungkook nodded.
"I will!" Jimin nodded and was about to go but Jungkook stopped him.

"Jimin! I know you are still mad but can you please forgive me and forget past-"
"Forget past?" He chuckled.
"Do you consider it is the past that has brought us to this present?"
"You need to try alot! To do alot! To understand alot! You are way out of the way Jungkook! There are alot for you to know." He said and lowered his head. He himself knew there are alot about Seokjin. About his best friend.

"Jimin! If you knew what is in my heart you wouldn't protest cause of little things!" Jimin pouted.
"Now you wanna complain your situation is worse?" Jin chuckled. A bitter one.
"I don't mean this! Just....things are complicated! For everyone!"
"So why don't you tell me those? Tell me I always tell you my problems and become better tell me." Jin smiled. What should he say? That his brother calls him names when he is well aware no one has touched Jin? When his mother just ignores the fact he tells her he is depressed? When his father is always torturing him?

"Some things are not meant to say! But if I tell you those you'll find your problems are not that big! Jimin be happy! You have whatever you want. Smile! Be happy and ignore the ones who bother you!"

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