"What're you doing aiming at me? I was trying to go after the guy in the Ghostface costume, you saw me about to sneak up on them!" I argue with the officer,

"You might wanna calm down or I'm gonna have to arrest you under suspicion of attacking Tara Carpenter." He threatens, continuing to aim the gun at me.

"Attacking?! Why on earth would I attack—?" I stop, immediately feeling my shoulders fall. "Tara." I begin to run back to the house, hoping to see her. I see her getting pulled out on a stretcher, "Tara! Tara, wait, hold on, hold on!" I exclaim to the paramedics, them stopping and turning to me, I see how bloody she looks and feel my heart drop. "Oh, my..." I let out, "I'm coming with you— I... I got this. I got this, come on." I say, helping them move the stretcher in even though I barely did anything. I see her fast asleep and throughout the drive, I hold her hand and feel my heart beating a million beats per second.

God, what a fucking night already...


I'm sitting on the chair beside the bed that Tara's fast asleep in, she went for surgery a few hours ago and my leg is non-stop bouncing, my heart won't slow down, I feel like I honestly might die of a heart attack. I just want her to wake up, she isn't waking up and I want her too. I want to see the life in her eyes, not have to witness life leave her eyes.

Is this payback for what I've been doing—? No. No, don't start thinking like that. I told Tara and she helped me, she—she said it was fine, what I was doing was morally right, I just... need to stop killing.

Beat up? Yes, I can. But don't... kill— well, a little late for that but Tara will understand, she always understands. She understands everything, which is why she can't die— she's not going to die...



I see Nurse Evans step inside and walk over to her chart, beginning to scribble something down that I can never read but then again, I struggle with reading because I'm dyslexic which is why I get Tara to read to me most of the time.

"Do you know if she's gonna wake up?" I ask him, hoping that he can give me some type of answer.

"I'm afraid at this moment, we will just have to wait and see." He answers in reply, I sigh and look over at Tara, resting my hand on her non-broken hand, my thumb strokes her knuckles and I begin to paint her nails cause I'm bored.

"So, I failed Mrs Tilscher's class. I know what I said, but you gotta be honest, girl, she has some tough shit going on in that bullshit class that no one else is ever gonna understand— let alone me, like what? I asked the smartest girl in the class what she meant and she shrugged and said 'I have no idea myself'— I mean you know me, I am not the brightest in the bunch. Remember when I asked how far Miami was from Florida?" I recount, making myself laugh before sighing, slowly shaking my head before stopping and letting my shoulders fall. "I still don't know..." I mumble quietly, shaking my head— ooh, I'm gonna search it. "give me a sec, actually, I wanna see." I reply, stopping and getting my phone out and going to search it.

"Miami's in Florida, baby." I hear Tara's soft voice say, I look over, slightly dropping my phone and immediately hugging her. "Woah— hey, there."

"Oh, my god. I'm so glad you're okay!" I express, smiling widely and resting my hands on her cheeks.

"You look so happy." She says, smiling widely and tilting her head to me.

"Yeah, I... I am, love." I reply, softly, seeing her eyes glance between mines.

"Never lose that smile, will you?"

Jenna x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now