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Charley laid in her hospital bed, surrounded by her kids. They'd all grown so much. Sirius had a family of his own. Currently, he was holding his youngest child, a boy. The toddler clung to his father, resting his head on his chest.

Daisy had two kids who grew up much like she did, being children of a famous quidditch player. Daisy and the kids went to every game.

Henry had gotten married to a muggle he had met at Genevieve's wedding. They had had one kid before focusing on their very successful careers.

Margaret, although she didn't work, lived on the same street as Henry. She married a very rich wizard and had three kids.

Louise told everyone she was never going to get married, but in the end got married at twenty-five to a boy she had sworn was the bane of existence. She still insisted that even after the two were married, but she had three children with him. The way she looked at him, told everyone she loved him even if she never said it aloud.

Marley married James Sirius Potter, making it very difficult at family events. Not only were there two James's but the two boys were similar. Too similar. They were often being yelled at by Marley or their parents at events. Marley, like her older brother, Sirius, also had a big family. She was always running around collecting all her kids just like her parents had done years before.

Finally, there was James. James hadn't shown interest in any girls until he was seventeen and he met Phoebe on a family vacation to the United States. She was a muggle but James was absolutely smitten. The two got married as soon as they had both graduated. They moved to America where James became a quidditch player. They had four kids that went to Illvemory. Despite the distance, James and his family were at every event. His kids were everyone's favorites even though they didn't go to the same school... Possibly because they were very lively and caused quite a bit of trouble.

Daisy gently took her mum's hand. "Mum, you can fight it," she whispered, not wanting to have to lose both parents in the same year.

Sirius stepped beside his twin sister. "Mum, please, we can't do this without you," he pleaded.

"I love you all," Charley managed to tell her children one last time before she died, leaving her kids to cling to each other as they sobbed.

Charley awoke and found herself being greeted by her grandparents. She smiled and wrapped them both into hugs before stepping forward where she found James, Remus, Marlene, Mary, Nymphadora, and a few others. Charley looked around and grinned before being pulled into a hug by James. Before she could pull Marlene into a hug, she was trampled into a hug by her parents.

She heard James groan. "You were next! Now everything is ruined!" he exasperatedly said. "Now we don't get any attention..."

"We missed you so much!" Daisy sobbed, holding her daughter tight. Charley held her back, finally having her mother. Her mother that could communicate with her. Charley held her mum tight, not wanting to ever lose her again. "I'm so sorry, boo. I'm so sorry what you had to go through," Daisy whispered.

Charley slowly pulled away as her father cleared his throat. "I missed you, Dad," Charley told him, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"I missed you too, Char."

Charley laughed. "Please, you've probably been trying to find a way to knock up Mum in heaven," she stated, making her parents laugh.

"We haven't been successful yet..." he grumbled, making Daisy smack him.

"There are other people here," Remus grumbled. Charley scrambled to her feet but stayed beside her parents, greeting the others. Her parents pushed her forward where Fred was standing. She quickly greeted him. Then she saw Haz. She ran forward, leaving her parents.

Charley couldn't control her emotions anymore. She burst into tears as she held onto him. "I missed you too, kiddo," he quietly said, holding her close to him. "Thank you for watching after my kids." Charley couldn't speak. The only thing she could do was cry even after she had moved onto hugging her other aunts and uncles. Then she was met by someone she didn't recognize at first.

"Regulus," he stated. "Your dad said that you would need a break from crying after you saw Haz again. Guess he was right," Regulus informed Charley.

"Harry told me that you destroyed... Or tried to destroy a horcrux," Charley stated. Regulus nodded in response. She smiled at him and brought him into a hug, clearly catching him off guard as it took him a moment before he wrapped his arms around her.

"Well, the next guy reminds me of my brother," Sirius informed Charley quietly. Charley pulled away from Regulus to look over his shoulder.

"Lou..." she whispered as Louis smiled at her. She stepped over to him and pulled him into a hug. "I wish I could've saved you," she admitted softly.

"You did save me, Char," he replied, holding her close.

Charley stood there with him for a moment before he pulled away. She looked over as Scutum and Axel ran over to her. Charley grinned and started crying again as she was met with her first babies. She kneeled beside them and let them lick her face as she sobbed. They eventually ran away, looking over at her expectantly. She quickly followed them. The moment she saw who they had led her too, she broke out into a sprint. She jumped into Oliver's arms and pressed a kiss against his lips.

"It hasn't been that long," Oliver said with a laugh.

"To you maybe. I was alone in that big house of ours," Charley grumbled, holding him close, never wanting to ever leave him again. "Why'd you have to get in the accident?"

"Charley, I couldn't have helped it. He was drunk," Oliver replied. Charley sighed and pressed another kiss to his lips. "Why couldn't you have been there with me?"

"Someone had to help those kids I suppose," Charley mumbled.

Oliver chuckled and slowly set her down. "I love you, mo gràdh," he told her. "You're my best friend. It's been horrible up here without you. Have you seen who I've had to hang out with?"

Charley giggled and pressed another kiss to his lips before allowing him and the others to show her around. Oliver took her to where he had been staying. It was a replica of their home. He informed her that he had been watching after the two dogs for her with her parents.

Charley was happy. She watched after her kids and posterity most of the time with Oliver. She tried to protect them from stupid decisions, but most of the time it didn't work. She got called to greeting duty at times.

Nothing could've prepared her for when she had to greet Henry after he had gotten killed defending his wife for her blood status.

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