Chapter 101 - He's Our Oldest Child

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Oliver read the purple letter he had received, indicating that it was from Puddlemere. His brows furrowed. "What is it?" Charley asked through a mouthful of banana.

"They're shutting down the league," he stated. He folded the letter and looked at Charley.

"Shutting it down? Why?"

"It's not safe," he told her. Axel walked over sleepily as the couple ate breakfast. Charley picked up the puppy and gently kissed him before setting him back down. "Come here, boy!" Oliver exclaimed, the puppy quickly ran over as Oliver broke off a piece of bacon and handed it to the puppy.

"You're going to love that dog more than your own children," Charley joked.

"He's our oldest child," Oliver replied, scooping up the puppy and holding Axel like a baby. Charley laughed softly as she watched him. Soon, the Daily Prophet was delivered. Charley quickly gave the owl the money it needed before taking the Daily Prophet. "What's new?" Oliver asked.

Charley walked over, pulling her chair beside Oliver's. She glanced over at him as he continued to hold Axel like he was a baby. She ignored the oddness before opening the paper.

National Quidditch League Canceled Due To Player Riots!

Oliver quickly set down Axel and leaned closer to Charley. "How could they even say that?" he asked. "That's a lie!"

Charley silently read the article, getting angrier after every sentence. The ministry was covering up everything. They refused to tell people that it was in fact not safe anywhere.

"Two quidditch players were murdered, Char. That's why they shut down the league. They were killed in the middle of their practice! How can they lie about this?" he yelled in frustration, standing up and running a hand through his hair. Axel jumped up on him anxiously.

Charley set the paper down and stood up with him. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she quietly said, gently cupping his face and staring up at him. "Everything is going to be okay," she whispered.

Oliver's brows furrowed slightly. "You had one of those dreams again, didn't you?" he quietly asked, placing his hands on her hips and studying her face.

Charley pursed her lips and nodded. "Yeah. Yesterday when you were shopping," she told him.

"What was it about?"

Charley stroked her thumb across his cheekbone. "We're going to win, Oliver. This time we're going to win," she admitted, a smile breaking across her face.

Oliver broke out into a smile as he leaned down and brought her into a hug. "Our kids are going to grow up in a safe world?" he asked her.

Charley nodded as tears of joy sprung to her eyes. "Yeah," she told him, holding him tight. He pulled away slightly and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Soon, the world will be safe. Our babies are going to be safe!"

Oliver continued pressing kisses to her lips, unable to hide his excitement as she laughed and cried happily.

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