Chapter 53 - Can You Teach Me Again?

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Charley stepped out of the diner and sat down on the steps. Wondering how she managed to fall so hard for her best friend. She looked up at the stars and sighed. All he was doing was dancing horribly with Liam and she couldn't tears her eyes off of him.

"Hey. You okay?" Oliver asked as he walked out behind her.

"Hm? Yeah," Charley replied before adding, "Just needed some air."

"We can leave whenever you want," Oliver told her as he sat beside her.

"No. I'm fine. You're having fun."

"Yeah, but I care about when you want to go."

Charley looked over at him, his hair was a mess from dancing and his face was red. He had ditched the tie he had been wearing a while ago and his shirt was untucked. "I enjoy watching you dance horribly."

Oliver laughed at that. "I think it's really good."

"You're Oliver Wood. You can't be good at everything."

Oliver chuckled and let out a sigh. "Have you had fun tonight?" Charley nodded. "Good." Charley watched him as he looked up at the stars. "I was never good at astronomy," he randomly said.

"I know. I had to help you with your homework," Charley reminded him with a laugh. He ran a hand through his hair and Charley nearly asked him to marry her right then and there as his laugh filled the air.

"Can you teach me again?" he asked her. Charley nodded and he moved closer to her as she pointed up at the sky.

"Do you see the sideways 'w'?" she asked him. Oliver squinted hard before moving even closer to her and following her finger. They were so close and all Charley could think about was how close his face was to hers.

"I think so."

"Right, so-" Charley paused as he rested his head on her shoulder to focus better. She glanced over at him in the corner of her eye and dropped her hand.

"What's up?" he asked innocently as he sat up normally again. "Oh s***, was that too much? I'm sorry if it was. I just- I don't even know- I feel like I f***ed everything up that one day when I-"

Charley cut him off as she kissed him. Oliver stayed frozen and Charley pulled away before he could kiss her back. "I fancy you too, Oliver," she told him.

Oliver stared at her in shock. "You-" he stopped and stared at her like she had grown a third eye. "Fancy me?" he asked. He didn't wait for her to respond though before he raised his hands to her jaw and brought her into another kiss. It was longer this time and much more passionate than their other ones. "Holy s***," Oliver laughed as he pulled away and studied Charley again. "You fancy me!"

Charley laughed at him, it didn't last long though because Oliver pulled her into another kiss before resting his forehead on hers. "I can't f***ing believe this."

Charley's smile never faded, the worries she had had earlier of this moment had vanished as Oliver stared at her in disbelief. Oliver pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey- Oh. What am I interrupting?" Betty asked with a laugh as she watched Oliver and Charley hug each other tightly.

Oliver looked back at Betty. "She fancies me!" he exclaimed like a little kid who just got a present. "Go pay Liam his galleons because she fancies me!" His grin was contagious, making Charley and Betty both grin back at him.

"Calm down, loverboy. It's Tyler's birthday."

"Right!" Oliver exclaimed as he got up and helped Charley too. He practically dragged her into the diner.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Tyler! Happy birthday to you," Oliver sang loudly with everyone else. Charley could hear the smile on his face as he sang. She glanced over at him as he glanced over at her and slipped his hand into hers.

"You're a dork," she told him, but she interlaced their fingers and moved closer to him.

"But you fancy me!" Oliver excitedly said, making Charley laugh and look up at him. She rested her head on his arm. "Go sit at our spots. I'll bring back cake and ice cream."

Charley nodded and quickly walked to their seats. Betty sat across from her. "You told him?" Betty asked with a smile.

"It was hard not to. He was being so touchy," Charley groaned.

Betty laughed. "So it was a cute moment?"

"Yeah, before I kissed him."

"Before you... Charley, what do you mean by that?"

"I don't know, it was just awkward."

Betty hummed softly and nodded. "So are you guys leaving after this to shag?"

"No! No- I- I don't think so," Charley awkwardly said.

Betty laughed. "That's good," she admitted.

Charley nodded. "Slow and steady wins the race," she mumbled under her breath as Oliver came over to her and set down their plates.

"Here you go, Char," he told her.

Betty started laughing uncontrollably suddenly. "What?" Oliver asked, looking over at Charley. "Were you guys talking about me?" he asked.

"No," Betty laughed. "You guys are so young and cute," Betty told them. Charley looked over at Oliver as he started to eat his cake.

"Okay, Mum," he told her simply.

Betty laughed, "A**hole."

Oliver grinned and looked over at Charley. "Oo, can I try your ice cream?" he asked. Charley nodded and he leaned over to steal a bit of ice cream from her bowl. "Mm..." he said. "Yeah I picked good, didn't I?"

Charley laughed at him and pushed him back over to where he was sitting. "Yeah. So good."

They finished their food quickly and then Oliver dragged Charley to the dance floor. They spent the rest of the night laughing and dancing together as they both took turns being horrible dancers. Eventually, they arrived back at Oliver's flat.

Charley yawned. "I'm going to go to bed," she told Oliver softly.

Oliver pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight, Mo Gràdh," he softly said as he slowly pulled away from her.

"Goodnight, Olly," she replied.

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now