Chapter 80 - There Is Another Option

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"All this wedding stuff is exhausting," Charley complained to Nymphadora.

"You know what else is exhausting?" Nymphadora questioned, leaning back in her chair and groaning. Charley looked over at her, awaiting the answer. "Being in love with that b*tch, Remus. Honestly, why can't he just grow up and let me f*ck him!"

Charley stared in horror at Nymphadora. "Please never say that to me again," she mumbled.

"Right because you're more of a James girl."

"I'm what?"

"Don't act so surprised," Nymphadora casually said as she inspected the paper she had been doodling on.

"That's practically incest!"

Nymphadora looked up at Charley and shook her head. "No, silly. I mean that you're attracted to that kind of person," she stated like it was obvious. She tucked her pink hair behind her ear and tilted her head slightly.

"I'm not attracted to James Potter. That's gross."

"Oliver and James are practically the same person, Charley. Don't be stupid."

"No they are- Woah... They kind of are..." Charley mumbled. As if on cue, Oliver waltzed into the kitchen. He walked over to Charley immediately and wrapped his arms around her.

"How's the wedding stuff going?" he asked her softly. Charley groaned in response. "Next time you get a break, meet me on the back porch," he quietly told her before kissing her.

Nymphadora threw her hands up in the air. "See? What is so hard about that? Why cant Remus do that? I hate love! I hate men!"

"...Alright. Have fun Mo Gràdh," Oliver said before leaving the kitchen once more.

Charley and Nymphadora continued their wedding planning, but Charley couldn't get Oliver off her mind. Why would he have to meet her on the porch?

So, after Charley pressed herself past her limit and broke down into tears. "Maybe you should go take Oliver up on his offer as a way out," Nymphadora awkwardly said, patting Charley's back. Charley nodded and left the kitchen.

She wandered to the back porch where Oliver was sitting with Genevieve, watching the sunset. He set down Genevieve and looked over as Charley stepped toward him. He held out his arm for her. She sat beside him and buried her face in his shoulder. "Hey, what happened?" he asked her quietly, rubbing her arm gently.

"Wedding planning is the bane of my existence," she grumbled. Oliver nodded and let her lean in more.

"I know it is," he admitted quietly.

"Why'd you have to propose?"

Oliver quietly laughed and pressed a kiss against the side of her head. "Want me to take the ring back?"

"No," Charley mumbled. "I think it's pretty." She turned and watched Genevieve play with a rock.

"Well," Oliver started again, he brought his leg onto the bench so he was facing Charley. "There is another option."

Charley looked over at him and turned her body to face him too. "What's that?"

A mischievous smile spread across Oliver's face.

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now