Chapter 100 - Fredald and Georgie

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Charley and Oliver apparated home after Oliver's quidditch game. Both were ecstatic about the win as Oliver didn't let the quaffle through the hoops one time. Charley immediately wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and started kissing him. She felt Oliver smirking as his hands rested on her waist and slowly started to lead them upstairs.

"Charley! Dora- Oh..." Charley heard Remus say. She looked over her shoulder at Remus as Oliver kissed Charley's neck.

"What is it, Rem?" she asked.

"Ted's gone. Nymphadora and Andromeda found out five minutes ago," Remus informed Charley.

Charley pulled away from Oliver and walked down the stairs. "Ted's gone? Oh no..." she mumbled. Oliver wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the fireplace.

"We'll be there in a minute," Oliver assured Remus. Remus nodded before disapparating. "Ready?" Oliver asked her.

Charley took a deep breath in and nodded, gently kissing Oliver before stepping into the fireplace.

. . .

Nymphadora spent the entire time crying. She was cuddled into Remus's side as they laid on a sofa together. He kept an arm around her the whole time. Charley was still shocked by his ability to show affection with Nymphadora.

Andromeda seemed to have more strength. Charley knew she was faking it though. She was constantly, cleaning, cooking, and asking the others if they needed anything. Charley tried to help her, but Andromeda quickly shut her down. It seemed that she was distracting herself from having to think about how she had lost her husband.

Meanwhile, Nymphadora never left Remus's side. She refused to do anything without him. If one of them had to use the bathroom, both went.

The day of the funeral, was when Andromeda broke. Oliver and Charley found her crying in her room. "Andy," Charley softly said, walking over to her and sitting beside her on her bed. She gently wrapped an arm around Andromeda.

"I'm trying to be strong. I'm trying to be strong for Nymphadora," Andromeda cried.

"Andy, he was your husband. It's okay to cry," Oliver told her quietly from the doorway.

"I don't want to go to the funeral. I don't want it to be finalized."

"We won't force you," Charley softly said. "Funerals do help though. You'll see all the lives that have been impacted because of Ted."

Andromeda nodded and eventually got up from her bed and went to the funeral. It was a rather small funeral as it was in the middle of a war. The Weasley twins were there with Lee Jordan, Kingsley Shacklebolt was there, a bunch of Nymphadora's auror friends, Charlie Weasley, Bill and Fleur, the Woods, and a few professors from Hogwarts.

After the ceremony, Charley made her way to the twins and Lee. She pulled them each into a hug. "We were routing for him," Fred stated. "We were routing that he'd escape those sons of-"

"Oi! There are children present," Oliver hissed.

"As if Charley doesn't curse all the time," Fred grumbled.

"She's gotten better," Oliver stated, making Charley laugh softly.

"I can't believe you're having a baby," George stated.

"Two," Charley corrected.

"You're having twins?" Fred asked. "You've got to name them after us! It would be a missed opportunity if you didn't!"

"Fredald and Georgie?" Oliver asked.

"Sounds brilliant." Charley and Oliver laughed at George's statement.

"Their middle names can be Lee," Lee added, making them all laugh.

"When're they due again?" Fred asked the couple.

"Middle of May," Charley responded.

"You're almost there!" Fred exclaimed.

"It's still two months," Charley groaned as Oliver's arm snaked around her waist.

"It's better than still having nine months," George reminded her.

"Yeah but back then I didn't have two babies playing football with my ribs." The twins and Lee laughed.

"We're all so old," Fred then stated. "Can't time just stop? George and I own our own joke shop, you two are on a quidditch team, and you're having twin babies!"

Charley laughed. "Yeah, you three need to hurry up, find girlfriends, and have children already. I don't want my babies to be lonely," she stated, rubbing her stomach.

"Well, they'll have Nymphadora's baby."

"They need lots of friends," Charley muttered.

"We'll be there friends then. We're probably cooler than any baby," Lee spoke up.

"Bold statement," Oliver joked. The five spoke for a while longer before eventually returning to their homes.

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