Chapter 6 - What's Life Without A Bit Of Risk?

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"Olly! You made it!" Charley exclaimed, running up to Oliver and pulling him into a hug.

"We moved over here, Ducky, honestly you act like I still live in Scotland."

Charley grinned at him, "You moved over Christmas, I'm still reminding myself."

Oliver chuckled. "So, where's your house?"

Charley grabbed his hand and immediately ran off with him. Oliver chuckled as they ran through the streets of Godric's Hollow.

Charley stopped and looked over at Oliver as he took a step forward so he was beside her. "This is it," she told him.

Oliver looked at the beautiful cottage in front of them. "Wow... I can tell your dad is rich now."

Charley chuckled and looked at the cottage, "Well, the yard needs a bit of work."

"Only you would notice that, Char."

"No! Look, the grass is too long and the flowers are dead!"

Oliver laughed and shook his head. "Is your dad here?"

Charley shook her head, "He went to go stalk Harry today."

Oliver nodded as Charley walked up to the front door and opened it with her key.

"I've never really gotten to explore in here before. Moony always said to be careful and that I can't touch anything," Charley muttered as she walked in with Oliver behind her.

"Well, where do you want to start?"

"Upstairs," Charley replied immediately.

So, the two of them walked up the stairs.

The house had been left the exact same as it had been from the early hours of November 1st, 1981. The bed in Charley's parents bedroom was still neatly made, waiting for it's residents to quietly giggle as they walked in and shut the door behind them, careful to not wake their sleeping child.

There was a stack of letters in envelopes on one side of the bed with a smaller stack to the side of it. The smaller stack had all been opened. Every letter had 'Padfoot' written on it. There was one that was left on the nightstand without the envelope.

"Why would he have so many letters from Lily Potter?" Oliver asked, picking up the letter and reading over it. "So many unopened letters from her," he added.

Charley shrugged and walked over to a wall lined with boxes. She kneeled down and grabbed one of the books. Oliver walked over to her and sat beside her.

Charley randomly flipped to a page and started reading:

December 25th, 1979
Siri and I started the day at five in the morning...

(Keep in mind we went to bed at one so we slept hardly at all in the past two days, but I guess that's what I get for loving a Christmas lover.)

We danced in the snow and Sirius softly sang. It was so peaceful.

It's crazy how this time last year I only had one month until I would meet the greatest joy in my life (don't tell Siri I said that). Becoming a mum has made me so happy — even though I haven't gotten proper sleep since she was born — and I can't wait for her siblings... But hopefully that won't be until after the war.

Charley is the greatest joy and light of mine and Siri's life during these dark times...

Anyway, after we danced, Sirius wanted to snog so we went inside. I could tell Siri wanted to do a little more, but honestly I was too tired to and then Charley started crying so we had to go get her... Even though Sirius wanted to keep snogging, but I didn't want Charley to damage her vocal chords.

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