Chapter 13 - Looks Like My Resolution Is Fulfilled

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"She's been really down lately," Harry told Oliver with a small smile as Charley slept on him. "It's nice to see her smiling again with you."

It was New Year's Eve and it was the first time any of the boys had come over. Oliver kept getting guilt tripped into staying at his house while the twins were just always busy or grounded.

"Sorry I couldn't make it on Christmas," Oliver said quietly as he ran his fingers through Charley's hair.

Haz smiled slightly at him. "She was really grumpy that day."

"S***. Why?" Oliver asked.

"Not because of you," Haz assured him. "She made sure we knew it wasn't about you."

Oliver nodded.

"But she wouldn't tell us anything, so we have no idea."

"I'll talk to her," Oliver stated as Charley cuddled up closer to his chest.

Fred watched Oliver. Fred clenched his jaw as Charley peacefully slept on Oliver. He hated how close they were. He hated how happy they were around each other. "Calm down, Fred," George softly said, looking over at his clearly jealous brother.

"Cedric didn't get her a present I noticed," Haz continued as Charlotte came in, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead. She sat on the arm of his chair, bringing her glass of wine to her mouth.

Oliver nodded, looking over at Charley who's lips turned into a small smile.

"So things ended ugly between them?" Haz asked as he stood up, taking Charlotte's glass and shoving her into the chair he had been sitting in.

Oliver nodded, "Not friends at all. We all hate him and he's being a b**** over it all... That's why she left the quidditch team."

"She did?" Harry asked, "But I thought she loved quidditch."

"She does. I wouldn't let her all the way quit. She's been practicing with my team and training this one girl."

"So what happened?"

Oliver pursed his lips, looking down at Charley again, knowing she wouldn't want Harry to find out through him. She would tell him when she's ready. "She can-" he started.

"He f***ed her when she didn't want him to and them told her he didn't love her," Fred muttered loudly.

Oliver abruptly sat up, narrowing his eyes at Fred. Charley groaned and hugged Oliver tighter, waking up slightly.

"Did she quit the team because of that?" Harry asked, ignoring the exchange between Oliver and Fred.

Oliver looked over, "He was just being a horrible person in general to her... Pisses me off."

Charley suddenly sat up, her brows furrowed at Oliver as the words left his mouth. "Olly?" She softly said.

Oliver looked over at her, smiling at her as she rubbed her eyes.

"Did you just tell him?" She asked, her eyes filled with concern.

Oliver's face dropped, "Char, I-" he started but she shrugged his arm off of her shoulders, not looking away as she stood up and ran to her room.

Oliver quickly spun to the twin sitting on the floor, seeing as the other had left (he hoped it was Fred) "What were you thinking?!" He shouted. Both Charlotte and Harry sat up in alarm. Harry had taken a large sip of wine and currently couldn't talk while Charlotte didn't know what to say.

"I'm George," the twin mumbled, "The smarter twin... The one who didn't just say what he shouldn't have."

"Where'd he go?" Oliver demanded, "He needs to tell her right now that he was the little f-"

"Oliver," Charlotte warningly said.

"You already know where he is," George quietly said, looking over at the stairs. Oliver followed his gaze, glaring at the stairs.

"Oo! Look! The countdown's going to start soon!" Harry exclaimed, pointing to the television, quickly changing the subject so Oliver didn't do something irrational. "COME ON EVERYONE!"

Fred rested a hand on Charley's back, softly rubbing it as she stared blankly at her wall.

"I didn't want him to know yet, not now. He's going to want to talk about my feelings," she mocked. "I was going to tell him at the end of holiday."

Fred nodded, "He should've respected that, Char."

Charley smiled and looked over at him, "Thanks, Freddie."

The two sat in silence as they heard everyone counting down downstairs.


Charley smiled as the clock turned to twelve. "What's your resolution, Freddie?" She asked with a fake grin.

Fred smiled at her, his brown eyes flickering across Charley's face. He studied her freckles softly scattered across her cheeks, her bright blue eyes always seeming as though they were shining, her long eyelashes that often covered her eyes as she smiled, her dimples on either cheek that he absolutely adored, and her bright smile he could tell was fake, but still he admired it and how perfect it was to him.

"I think my New Years resolution is to just... Go for it," he told her shyly.

Charley laughed, "As if you don't do that enough."

Fred smiled softly, his heart pounding and his mind racing as Charley looked over at her wall of pictures and heard her cousins racing up the stairs to go to bed.

Charley looked back over at him, "What?" She asked, feeling his gaze on her.

Fred took a deep breath in.

Just go for it.

The next thing he knew his lips were crashed onto Charley's, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Charley hesitated at first as she watched his eyes close.

F*** it, she thought.

Charley wrapped her arms around Fred's neck. She knew it was wrong but it felt so right as she moved on top of him. Fred held her hips firmly. Charley's fingers travelled down to the bottom of his t-shirt, slipping under and resting on his warm skin.

Fred pulled away, breathless as he looked at Charley, her eyes still closed. "Looks like my resolution is fulfilled," he softly chuckled.

"Shut up, Weasley," Charley laughed, kissing him again and taking off his shirt.

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