Chapter 69 - Emphasis On Pretty

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An owl flew into the kitchen and landed beside Oliver. Oliver stopped cooking his eggs and took the envelope from the owl. Charley hopped off the counter. "Who's it from?" she asked.

"Liam. Can you read it to me?" Oliver asked.

"Yes!" Charley exclaimed. She opened the letter and read:

My sexy girlfriend did it. She pushed a baby out of her. We now have a mini Liam (although he looks identical to Betty.) Noah was born this morning (July 27th) at 3:28 am. He is healthy. At first we thought that he was going to be born early, turns out the doctor just didn't know what the f*ck he was doing.

Betty is insisting on bringing him home today so she doesn't have to be in the hospital anymore. You and Charley can come by anytime. Betty is insisting on that too. She wants to talk to Charley.


P.S. I'll give you your money for the bet when you come over.

Oliver laughed as Charley finished the letter. "What was the bet?" Charley asked.

"We bet on who would become a dad first," Oliver said with another laugh.

Charley laughed softly. "That's exciting though. They have their little boy," she told Oliver.

"I know. We can head over after lunch. That give them time to go home, do things, and all."

"Sounds great," Charley told him with a smile as she kissed his cheek.

"Oh! Also, my family wants to come over sometime this week. Mads wants us to meet her boyfriend finally."

"Finally!" Charley exclaimed. "It's been months."

Oliver laughed. "I guess she didn't want to be too eager like she has been with her other hundred boyfriends," he joked. Charley laughed at him.


Charley looked over to see Genevieve running into the room. "Genny!" Charley exclaimed, picking the toddler up and spinning her around. "Want some breakfast?"

Genevieve squealed and nodded at Charley which made Charley laugh. She walked to the fridge and pulled out a yogurt for Genevieve. She carried Genevieve to her high chair and set her down. along with the yogurt before she went back into the kitchen to get the rest of her breakfast out.


Oliver watched as Charley played with Noah while Betty slept upstairs. He was wide awake and smiling up at Charley as she attacked him with kisses. She started tickling him gently making him kick his legs slightly. It was adorable. Her whole face seem to light up as she played with the baby. Oliver looked down at Genevieve asleep in his arms, then back at Charley as she picked the small baby up and cradles him.

Oliver had wanted to marry Charley. And he thought that he most likely would with their circumstances.

Now, as he watched Charley gently run her finger across the baby's head making his eyes slowly close and a smirk appear across his face, he knew he was going to marry her. He needed to. She was perfect in every way.

She moved over and sat beside Oliver as he wrapped his arm around her and kissed the side of her head. "I love you," he whispered to her.

She looked over at him with a smile and kissed him softly. "I love you too, Olly," she told him. She looked down at Genevieve in his arms. "We make pretty amazing parents," she observed.

"Emphasis on pretty," Oliver said as he kissed her again. Charley laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.

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