Chapter 50 - But It's Worth It In The End

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The next day, Oliver made Charley breakfast before apparating her back to Haz's house. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and knocked on the door. Haz opened the door looking exhausted. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was messier than usual. He stared blankly at Oliver and Charley. Scutum barked and jumped up on him.

"Scutum, no," Charley said, pulling Scutum back.

"Charley?" Haz quietly said, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey, Haz," she replied, hugging him back loosely.

"I'm so glad you're back. I'm sorry if I was a bit of an a**," Haz told her, pulling away and smiling widely at Charley.

"I was being a b**** too," Charley laughed awkwardly, looking over at Oliver who smiled back at her.

"Come in, come in. The kids have been begging to see you again." Haz opened the door wider and let Charley, Oliver, and Scutum walk in. Charley looked around with a small smile, thankful to be home. "Let me go get Genny," Haz excitedly said, running up the stairs and away from view.

Charley turned to Oliver and smiled at him. "Thank you, Olly," she softly said, walking over to him and hugging him tightly.

"Of course, Char," he replied. 

Now was the time. Now was when she should tell him. No one else was around. Just them. Charley looked up at him as he looked away from her, a faint shade of red across his cheeks. His lips were pushed slightly together and all Charley wanted to do was feel them against her's again. She studied him for too long though because soon, Haz was walking back down the stairs with Genevieve in his arms.

"Here you go, Char," Haz said, handing over the baby.

Charley smiled and took Genevieve, bouncing her on her hip and booping her nose. "Hey Genevieve," she said quietly. Genevieve laughed and reached for Charley's finger. Charley laughed and let Genevieve take her finger.

Charley looked over at Oliver and Haz who had both went quiet. She found them whispering to each other. She watched them for a minute before looking back at Genevieve. Harvey lazily wandered down the stairs. "Hey, Dad. Hey, Olly. Hey- CHARLEY!" He ran forward and hugged Charley tightly.

"CHARLEY?!" Charley heard James and Jayde shout before running in and joining in on the hug.

"Hey, guys," Charley laughed as she knelt down and wrapped them into a hug. "Are you excited for your birthday, Harvey?" she asked.

"Yes!" Harvey shouted. "I had my party yesterday and I got a lot of toys!"

Charley brushed off that she missed his birthday party and pretended it didn't bother it. "How was your party?"

Harvey grinned widely. "It was amazing! Mummy saved two slices of cake so we could eat it together!" he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen. Charley smiled at Lottie as Lottie put out two pieces of cake.

"Welcome home," Lottie told her as she kissed her cheek and brought her into a hug.

"I missed you guys," Charley said in a shaky voice.

Lottie smiled at her. "I can take Genny so you can eat with Harvey." Charley smiled and passed Genevieve over to Lottie.

Harvey started climbing up on the island barstool. Charley quickly grabbed him and lifted him onto the barstool before sitting beside him and eating the cake in front of her.

A few minutes later, Oliver walked into the kitchen. "I gotta go to practice, Char," he told her.

Charley looked back at him and smiled. "I'll see you soon, yeah?" Oliver nodded with a smile. "Maybe I'll come to one of your games," she added.

Oliver grinned at her. "Tell me, so I can get you into my suite."

"I don't need your suite."

Oliver shrugged. "But then I know when you're coming and where you'll be."

"That ruins the surprise though."

"And you can be with Carter and Alison."

Charley smiled at that. "I'll just take them to my seat."

Oliver rolled his eyes at her. "Alright, Char. I'll see you soon." He pulled her into a side hug before leaving.

"What's going on there?" Lottie immediately asked, watching Charley with curiosity.

"Just friends," Charley told her.

"Do you want more?"

Charley felt her cheeks heat up. "Um..." she awkwardly said.

Lottie smiled knowingly at Charley. "I always knew you two would eventually get together." Charley awkwardly laughed. "Does he know?"

Charley shook her head. "I don't know how to tell him."

"Tell him what?" Harvey asked through a mouthful of cake.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Lottie scolded before turning back to Charley. "He told you that he fancied you. If he can do it, you can too."

Charley sighed, knowing my she was right. "It's just scary, y'know?"

Lottie nodded. "I know. But it's worth it in the end."

Charley watched as Lottie made a bottle for Genevieve and gave it to her.

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