Chapter 35 - My... Char

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"Good morning, Olly," Charley yawned. She pressed her face against his chest. Getting no response, Charley nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

"Mo Gràdh," he groaned softly, pulling her closer to him.

The door to Charley's room opened. "Charley? I wanted to- Oh... Oh... Am I interrupting something? It's about time you two finally got together. I mean-"

"Haz, shut up. We're not together," Charley mumbled, pulling away from Oliver. She realized that she had cuddled up with Oliver and flushed red. She quickly started to get out of bed, but Oliver wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back. Charley looked back at him, confusion plastered on her face. "We'll be down in a second," she told Haz.

Haz nodded and left the room.

"What's up?" Charley asked Oliver, turning to face him.

"You were really tired last night, Char," Oliver chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Charley asked, pouting at him and crossing her arms over her chest. "Holy s***."

"You're welcome," Oliver told her. "You were pretty loopy."

"Man, what the f***?"

Oliver laughed again as she stood up in her lacey bra and underwear.

"Oi! Turn around!" She demanded. Oliver put his hands up.

"So bossy, Char."

Charley walked over to her trunk. Oliver glanced over his shoulder and watched her shuffle through her clothes. She tucked her hair behind her ear and furrowed her brows as she pulled out a sunflower dress. Oliver quickly looked away before she looked over.

He looked back over when he heard her stand up. She was perfect.


"Okay, Queen Charley, what do we do first?" Oliver asked, setting down the box he had carried into her room. Charley spun around the room like a child. "The paint's a little... Jess, huh?"

Charley looked over at him and shrugged, "The only thing I know about her is that she's a manipulative sl... Never mind."

Oliver laughed and tapped the wall with his wand. "You can say it. I'm not with her anymore."

"Slut," Charley said as soon as he finished, making him laugh harder.

Oliver tapped the wall repeatedly as Charley watched for the perfect color. They settled on a white and started pushing furniture around together. Oliver was going to just levitate to its correct spot, but Charley insisted they do it the hard way. Oliver then left for practice and left Charley to work on unpacking.

Charley folded a pair of sweatpants and set them in the drawer when an owl flew in, landing right beside her and sassily sticking out its leg. Her heart skipped a beat as she thought about Theo writing her. As she took the letter, she recognized the handwriting. Sirius.


How've you been? I visited Moony for a few days and am going back to Hogsmeade now. I was wondering if you could go to my family home and talk to my mother. I'm sure she'll like you and talk highly of me, but she won't like your mum. Don't let it bother you. I need the house for something dealing with Dumbledore.

How's your last year of Hogwarts been? Sorry that I haven't been talking to you lately. I've been helping Harry with the Triwizard Tournament. Thank Merlin it's almost over, I've been so worried about him.


Charley set the letter down and rolled her eyes. She got up from her spot on the floor and paced the room as she waited for Oliver to get home.


Oliver poked his head into Charley's room, "Char, I'm going to take a- Are you okay?" He stepped into her room and leaned against the doorway.

Charley looked over at him. "Thank Merlin you're back!" She exclaimed, running over to him and wrapping her arms around him. He stunk like sweat but she ignored as she held him tight.

"What's up?" Oliver asked. Charley dug around in her back pocket before handing him the letter. It was silent as Charley held onto Oliver and Oliver read.

"How much has he reached out to you this year?" He asked when he had finished.

Charley shrugged. "I didn't even know he was at Hogsmeade."

Oliver kissed the top of her head before looking back at the letter. "Charley, it's fine. You didn't have him before everything, you don't need him now. If he's going to prioritize Harry over you, just distance yourself. Whether you go to his house or not is up to you. But in the end, he'll only come to you when he needs you, but we — my family, me, Haz, and your family — will always be there for you."

Charley nodded, "I know. I just- When I found out he was innocent, I wanted that kind of relationship. It's not the same with Haz. He still sees me as a niece. I just wanted a father-daughter relationship..."

Oliver tilted her head up to his. "I know. My dad would be happy to fill that role for you." Charley smiled. "So, why are some letters bolded?"

"Broken quill?" Charley shrugged off, wiping her eyes as she pulled away from Oliver. Oliver continued to stare at the letter, his brows furrowed. "I doubt it means anything."

Oliver shook his head, "Don't... Trus... T... Du... mbl- Does your dad not like Dumbledore?"

Charley shrugged, "I don't really care. It doesn't have anything to do with me."

Oliver shrugged and studied her hard features. He didn't like seeing her this way. "So, what're you going to do?"

Charley tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'm going to go to his family home."

Although Oliver thought she was making a mistake, he stayed silent and nodded. "If you want someone to come with you, I can come."

Charley smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him again. "You're my best friend, Olly," she told him.

They stayed there, hugging onto each other for a while before Oliver pulled away. "I'm going to take a shower, Char. Then we can go out for dinner."

"Oo! Where?"

Oliver shrugged, "You'll have to see, my... Char."

Charley watched him leave the room. She played with her hands and froze as she felt her ring. Charley looked down and raised her finger to it. Remembering what Theo had said, she rubbed it three times clockwise. Then, she waited for a response.

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now