Chapter 63 - Why Them?

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Charley and Oliver walked back into his room after setting up beds for Lottie and the kids. Charley changed into her pajamas before sitting on the bed and staring at the wall. Oliver came over to her and rested a hand on her back.

"Remus told me that I still had another set of parents left today," Charley said. "Now I have none."


"I'm not going to make Lottie watch after me. She just lost her husband and has four kids and one on the way. She doesn't need to be watching after me too," Charley told him.

"You have my parents," Oliver told her. "You'll always have them."

"No. Everyone I get close to dies!" Charley exclaimed. "Maybe I shouldn't be with you either."

"Charley, nothing is wrong with you and I'm not going anywhere."

"Nothing's wrong with me? Cedric is dead, my mum is dead, my dad is dead, my dad's brother is dead, my uncle is dead, my dog is dead, my mum and dad are dead, James and Lily are dead, Marlene-"

"Charley, nothing is wrong with you. Yeah, they did attack your house just to get to you, but none of their deaths have been your fault. You can't blame yourself, Charley. And you also can't push away from Lottie. She needs you more than ever right now." Oliver rubbed her back softly and tilted her head over to him so he could kiss her softly. "I love you."

Charley rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Oliver."


Charley woke up the next day to the sound of children running around and clinking of pans in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and got up. There were five children running around the flat. Alison and Carter chasing after the other three, making them forget about the traumatic day they had had. When Charley walked into the kitchen she saw Oliver and his family making breakfast. Oliver looked back at her as she walked in.

"Good morning, Mo Gràdh," he softly said, kissing her softly.

Charley smiled at him. "What's all of this?"

Oliver shrugged. "They insisted on coming over," he told her. Charley smiled.

"Charley!" Madeline exclaimed, wrapping Charley in a hug. "How are you? Are you doing okay?"

Charley shrugged slightly. "As well as I can be after losing both of my fathers," she replied. "Has Lottie left her room yet?"

Oliver shook his head. "I haven't seen her."

"I'm going to go check on her, okay?" Charley told him. Oliver nodded at her and sent her a small smile as she walked out of the kitchen and to the spare bedroom. She cautiously opened the door and peeked in. Lottie was sitting on the bed sobbing quietly while Genevieve slept. Charley shut the door behind her as she walked in and sat down beside Lottie.

"Has the family called yet?" Lottie weakly asked.

Charley shrugged. "I just woke up."

"I can't believe he's actually gone. It's not real," Lottie cried. Charley stared down at the bed to prevent herself from crying. "I was supposed to die first. I can't live without him. He was the only thing keeping me together most days," Lottie told Charley over and over.

Charley didn't know what to say or do. So she sat there beside Lottie, listening to her talking about Haz. Charley managed to hold back her tears and stay strong for Lottie.

"Charley, don't leave us," Lottie said to her suddenly.

Charley looked over at Lottie's tear-filled eyes. "I'm not going anywhere, Lottie. I'll be there for you and the kids. I promise." Lottie sobbed and hugged Charley tightly as the door opened and Oliver walked in.

"Mary and Henry are on the phone," he quietly said.

Charley looked down at Lottie as she cried. "I'll talk to them," she said as she stood up. She walked over to Oliver and took the phone from his extended hand before walking into their bedroom. He followed behind her and sat beside her on the bed. "Hey," Charley softly said.

"Hey, kiddo," she heard her grandfather reply. "Is everyone alright?"

Charley blinked back her tears and waited a moment to respond. "Yeah. The Woods came over and are helping out a lot with the kids and all," she told him. "How are you all holding up?"

It was silent for awhile. "We told Tyson and Mark last night. Nat hasn't seen Tyson since. He ran off. Mark is trying to be tough, but... He's always crying."

Charley avoided Oliver's gaze and bit her bottom lip as she stared at the floor. "And you and Grandma?"

"We're doing as good as we can be at a time like this." Again, there was silence. "Your father, Sirius, he's gone too?"

A tear escaped Charley's eyes as she nodded and replied, "Yeah. He's gone too."

"Kiddo, we're so sorry. We can't imagine what you're going through."

"Thanks, Grandpa," Charley said. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold back her sobs much longer. "Hey, Grandpa, I gotta go. Please tell Tyson to call when you find him, okay?"

"Okay, kiddo. We love you."

"I love you too, Grandpa."

Oliver took the phone from Charley and held it up to his ear. "You guys can come over..." Charley tuned him out as he told her Grandpa the address of his flat. She stared at the floor, trying to hold back her tears, but as Oliver got off the phone and looked over at her, she broke down. She covered her face with her hands as he pulled her close. "I love you," he softly said as he rubbed her back softly.

"Why them? Why'd it have to be them? I want my dads back!" Charley sobbed. "I'm not supposed to lose three of my parents by the age of seventeen!"

"I know, Char. I know. It's unfair. I wish I could change it." Charley sobbed into his chest.

"I was such a b*tch to them too," Charley added. "Why was I such a b*tch to them? There's a f*cking war going on! Why didn't I just appreciate them both?"

"Charley, stop guilting yourself. It's not your fault. You had no idea what was going to ha-"

"I need them, Olly! I need them in my life. I've never lived in a life with Haz! Never! I need him!" Charley told him. Oliver stopped trying to calm her down and let her rant and cry in his arms.


As soon as Charley saw Tyson and Mark, she ran over to them and hugged them tightly. She looked over at Nat holding baby Harriet and smiled. "Thirty-five," Lottie suddenly said, startling everyone as she walked out of her room for the first time that day. "That was the age he was supposed to die at, and Daisy was supposed to die after him. That was their bet anyway..." Lottie mumbled. Tyson ran over to Lottie and hugged her tightly, both sobbing hysterically.

"Where did Tyson run off to earlier?" Charley asked Nathalie.

"He went to the house and then he walked to some park," she responded softly.

"I can take Harriet," Charley offered.

"Charley, I don't want to make you-"

"Please. I need to distract myself."

Nathalie smiled softly and handed the baby to Charley who immediately took her over to her and Oliver's bedroom. She laid the baby on her bed and watched her kick her legs and giggle.

Genevieve waddled into the room behind them. "Char!" she yelled, resting her small hands on Charley's knees. Charley laughed and lifted the baby up onto the bed beside Harriet.

Soon enough, there was a a swarm of children around Charley, making her laugh as they made stupid jokes or asked stupid questions. All nine cousins and two Wood siblings laughed together and talked, completely distracting themselves from the tragedy that had happened the night before.

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