Chapter 81 - Yes. I Do

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She was stunning. She had pulled out a small white dress from her mother's trunk and pulled it on. Oliver had already planned out everything. He'd asked Coach for the next week off, he'd told Lottie what he was planning, and he'd cleared their schedules. It was a lot of work, but he'd knew it would be worth it. And it was. Charley's eyes landed on his as she stepped out of the bathroom and a smile spread across her face.

"Ready?" he asked her, taking her hand in his.

"I'm so ready," she replied. He lead her out of their hotel room and started walking her to the lobby. "I feel bad they're all missing it."

"It'll be okay," Oliver assured her as they stepped into the elevator. He pressed the main floor button before finishing his thought, "We can still throw a party. It'll be less stress than having a whole wedding."

Charley smiled at him widely. "I love you," she told him.

"I love you too, Ducky," he replied. The elevator doors opened and the couple stepped out into the lobby.

"Where are we getting married?" Charley asked him. Oliver grinned over at her and lead her out to the front where a taxi was waiting.


Oliver watched as Charley's grin widened as they stepped out onto the cliff side. In the distance, he could see the priest awaiting their arrival. "I've always begged you to take me here!" Charley exclaimed as she ran ahead of Oliver and looked over the edge cautiously before looking back at him with a childish grin he absolutely adored.

He caught up to her eventually and led her over to the priest. The priest looked between them with a look in his eyes of adoration. He started the wedding speech, but Oliver couldn't pay attention to it. All he could focus on was Charley.

"Your vows?"

"Oh! Yes!" Charley exclaimed. She took out a folded piece of paper. "Oliver, I've known you practically my whole life. You've been my best friend since forever. Sure, we've had a few hard times, but I couldn't make it without you. You make me smile when I'm sad, you hold me, and take care of me. Oliver, I'm the luckiest girl on the planet to be in love with you. You care for me and you never complain.

"Oliver, I cannot put into words how excited I am to be able to spend forever with you. You're my best friend and that will never change. I love you so much, Olly. And I know that sometimes I'm overdramatic and sometimes blow up at you, but Olly, I love you more than anything else. I never want to lose you. You've been there for me through every breakup, you've been there for me through everything. You were there when my mum died, when my dad died, and when Haz died. You don't understand how much you've helped me and how much I appreciate you. I promise you, Olly, that I will always be there for you when you're going through sh*t because I know how much it means to me." Charley looked up at Oliver with her eyes glassed over. He smiled softly while the priest asked Oliver for his vows.

Oliver pulled them out of his back pocket and unfolded the paper. "My parents have told me that they knew you were going to be a big part of my life since I was a toddler. They tell me on a regular basis how bratty and annoying I was. If I didn't get my way, then I would scream and kick and cry. They told me that I was in the middle of one of those tantrums when I met you. And I immediately stopped. They said it was the most bizarre thing. They told me that because of that, they made us go over to your house more.

"My dorm mates at Hogwarts had a similar experience. Except instead of me kicking, screaming, and crying. I was always talking about one thing. Quidditch. They all secretly hated me for it and wished I would shut up. But when I was with you, they said I would shut up about that sport and have an actual conversation with you and with them. They always wanted us to hang around together with them.

"My teammates also had a similar experience, sure they all knew I was in love with you by that point, but when they first met you, they said that it was crazy how our faces seemed to light up whenever we were by each other, I seemed to try even harder in games with you watching, and I didn't see to get down when I messed up as much. They wanted me to invite you to every game after they met you. They adore you, and they adore how you change me.

"So yes, I've been in love with you for years you could say. You bring out the better side to me in every occasion. I don't ramble about quidditch to everyone now, I play my a** at every game, and I'd like to think that I'm not a spoiled brat, but that's up for you to decide." He stopped and glanced up at Charley quickly before continuing, "Charley, I love you. And I promise you that I will never stop loving you. I couldn't stop. You're the best part of me and I never want to lose you."

The priest then seemed to ramble on forever and Oliver could not focus on him at all. His voice was boring and he was old. He kept his voice monotone as he spoke too which didn't help. There was also the fact that the most beautiful girl was standing in front of Oliver.

"Olly," Charley giggle softly.

"Hm?" he replied, keeping his gaze on her.

"Do you take Charley Effie Bl-"

"Yes. Yes I do," Oliver quickly said, making Charley laugh.

"And do you, Charley Effie Black, take Oliver Robert Wood to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes. I do," Charley responded, glancing quickly over at the priest before looking back up to Oliver.

"You may-" Oliver didn't wait for the ending as he raised his hand to her jawline and pulled her into a kiss. He felt Charley smile under the kiss and immediately kiss him back.

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