Chapter 92 - Right! And You're Pregnant!

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Charley poked at her macaroni and cheese as she and Oliver awkwardly sat across from each other. "I'm sorry, Charley. I shouldn't have joined the Order without consulting you," Oliver finally spoke up.

Charley nodded at him. "It's alright," she mumbled.

"No. Charley, it was f*cked up," Oliver grumbled.

"Oi! Not around the baby!" Charley hissed, pressing a hand against her stomach. "Did you resign then?"

"Okay, hear me out..."

"Oliver!" Charley exclaimed in frustration, dropping her fork and leaning back in her chair.

"I get to know everything that goes on and I get to tell you! We get to know where the war actually is. We don't have to decide whether the Prophet is lying or not!"

"Oliver, this is a bad idea."

"Charley, please."

Charley stared at him for a moment before taking a bite of her mac and cheese. "Only die if you're sure we're already dead," Charley instructed. "I don't want to live without you."

Oliver smiled at her and got up with his empty bowl. He walked over to her and gently pulled her into a kiss. "I'm never leaving you, Charley," he reminded her softly.

. . .

Charley ran to the door as she heard a knock. "Grandma! Papa!" she exclaimed, pulling her grandparents into a hug.

"Charley, it's so good to see you," her grandmother replied. "All settled into the house now?"

"All settled," Charley agreed as she invited them in. "Oliver should be home soon. He had to um... He had some weird um... Thing," Charley mumbled.

"That's alright," her grandfather said. "How's he treating you? Are you happy? Are you okay?"

Charley smiled up at her grandpa and laughed. "Yes. Oliver is treating me wonderfully," she assured him with a grin.

"And how's our great-grandchild?"

"Healthy," Charley replied, gently placing a hand on her stomach. She heard another knock on the door and rushed over. "Markie!" she squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around her uncle. She then turned to her younger cousins. "Diana! Jesse!" she exclaimed, hugging them both before wrapping Cynthia in a hug.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Mark asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Charley quickly remarked with a small smile.

"She's married, Mark," Cynthia whispered.

"Right! You're married. Man, that is still weird to me," Mark grumbled.

"And she's pregnant," Cynthia added.

"Right! And you're pregnant!"

Charley laughed as the small family entered the home. She was about to shut the door when she saw Tyson's family walk up to the house. Harriet suddenly veered off and started running away. Tyson groaned and ran away to catch her as Noelle and Natalie watched.

Charley walked over and pulled the two girls into hugs. "I've missed you," she quietly said.

"How are you doing, Char?" Natalie asked.

"Good," Charley replied as Tyson walked back over, holding Harriet on his hip.

"Charley!" he brightly said, pulling her into a hug and pressing a kiss against the top of her head.

"Charley!" Harriet mimicked. Charley laughed at her as she kept her arms around Tyson and held him close.

"I love you, Charley," he whispered.

"I love you too, Tys," she replied before pulling away, blinking back tears as she stared at Tyson. Growing up, she hadn't ever realized how similar he and Haz actually were and now it was all she could focus on.

"Are Lottie and the kids here yet?" he asked her.

"I don't know if they'll make it. They're moving into their new home now, and everything's crazy," Charley replied simply.

Tyson nodded and looked up at the house. "I'm glad you moved back into the house. It was way too nice of a home to just stay dormant," he told her.

"I know," Charley replied.

"She would've loved to see you here," Tyson then added.

Charley smiled and pulled him into another hug. "I've missed you, Tys." With that, she led them inside where the others were sitting. Not long after, Oliver joined them after his Order of the Phoenix meeting. He sat beside Charley and tossed her legs over his and started to gently run his fingers over them as they talked with her family. Soon after, Oliver's family came over along with the newest addition, Jordan.

Charley immediately got up at the sight of Jordan and started cooing over him. Madeline handed Charley Jordan and reclined on the couch. Charley sat back down beside Oliver on the floor. "Look at how cute he is," she whispered to Oliver. Oliver grinned at Charley as she ran a finger across the baby's face.

Later, Nymphadora and Remus arrived. They greeted everyone before making a beeline for the kitchen, informing Charley and Oliver that they hadn't eaten all day.

"So we still have six months until we meet your baby?" Mark complained.

"Roughly," Charley replied as Alice and Carter started pestering Oliver because they were bored. After a while, Oliver got up and led the two kids up the stairs.

"Do you have any name ideas?" Mark asked.

"Not yet," Charley admitted. "We haven't decided if we want it to be something sentimental or not."

"That's alright," Charley's grandmother said.

"What about you guys?" Charley asked, looking over at Nymphadora and Remus.

"Yeah. We've got ours picked out for girl or boy," Nymphadora informed them. "After my dad and Sirius."

"Aw..." Charley said with a small smile. There was a light knock on the door.

"I got it!" Oliver yelled from up the stairs. He ran down the stairs and swung the front door open. "I... Lottie!" Charley scrambled to her feet and ran over to Lottie and her five kids.

"Charley!" Genevieve shouted. Charley grinned and scooped up the toddler, hugging her tight and pressing a kiss against her cheek. For the rest of the night, Charley had a wide grin as she talked with her family and played with the toddlers and babies.

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