Chapter 87 - Well, It's Not A One Person Thing

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After weeks of packing and final preparations, Lottie and the kids were finally moving out mid-October. Charley cried as James carried out the last box. "Lottie, you guys don't have to move out," Oliver spoke up for Charley who was unable to speak.

"We're going to be okay. We're moving in with my parents for a month or so until we can move into our house. I'm getting a job and they'll watch the kids during the day since they're retired," Lottie said, clearly fighting back tears. "It'll be good for us. Plus, you're getting your house back."

"I don't want an empty house!" Charley cried. "I want you guys here!"

Lottie walked over and pulled her into a hug. "It's going to be okay. You'll still visit us," she assured Charley.

"I don't want to visit you! I want you to be here!" Charley exclaimed.

"Charley it's going to be okay. I promise." Lottie rubbed Charley's back as she sobbed. Oliver watched her closely. Lottie gently pressed a kiss against Charley's cheek. "We'll visit too."

With that, she left the house. Charley pulled Oliver into her and sobbed. "Charley, are you okay?" he asked her quietly.

"No. I don't want them to go. I want them here, Olly!" she cried.

"No, Charley. Are you okay? You've been quite emotional lately. I mean... Yesterday you cried because you couldn't see any birds outside but you could hear them. And the other day you cried because the ratio of your sandwich was off. I'm concerned, Char."

Charley let out a sob. Oliver sighed, knowing that he should've seen it coming. "You think something is wrong with me!" she cried into him. Oliver walked them over to the couch and held her close to him as she cried.

Eventually, Remus and Nymphadora came over. "Hey!" Oliver brightly said. Charley finally fell asleep on top of him and he didn't dare do anything that would wake her up. He held her close to him and rubbed her back softly. "Rem, can you get a glass of water for Char? She's been crying a lot today."

"It's so quiet in here," Nymphadora mumbled.

"Sh..." Oliver hissed. "I don't want her to start crying again."

"She's asleep."

"You never know," he replied simply. He thanked the water that Remus sat down beside him. "So, how's the baby?" Oliver asked. He noticed how instead of Remus averting his gaze to the floor like he used to do only a few weeks ago, he now smiled brightly and looked over at
Nymphadora who had let her hair be it's natural brown.

"Baby Lupin is good and healthy!" Nymphadora exclaimed. "I'm assuming..." she then added, placing her hand on her stomach. Charley stirred and sat up. She lazily smiled at Remus and Nymphadora.

"Here, drink some water, Mo Gràdh," Oliver told her immediately as he grabbed the glass of water Remus had gotten her.

Before it had even started, Oliver knew what was going to happen. Charley started crying. "I love when you call me that!" she exclaimed.

"I know you do," Oliver responded softly, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head to calm her down. Eventually, she did. She drank the water and left to use the bathroom. "She's been like that all week," Oliver quietly complained, not wanting to badmouth his wife, but he was exhausted.

"Is she pregnant?" Nymphadora asked.

"No. She's not..." Oliver trailed off as he pursed his lips.

"You should probably check," Remus spoke up.

"She'd kill me if she was because she's only eighteen," Oliver told them.

"Well, it's not a one person thing," Nymphadora pointed out. Charley walked back over to them and sat back down beside Oliver. She snuggled up to him as he wrapped his arm around her.

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