Chapter 62 - A Nightmare

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Time was flying by for Charley. She had never been happier. She had Oliver, her family, and her dad. She had a job surrounded by people she loved. There was nothing more she could want.

Charley sat at Haz's house on her day off while Oliver was at practice. She pet Scutum who was snuggled up to her and the two fell asleep in the silence of the house.

Charley was in a corridor. A long, dark corridor. She was looking for someone. Her wand was clutched tightly in her hand and she was angry.

"Charley, she's gone. There's nothing you can do," Remus said to her.

"I'm going to kill her!" Charley told him.

"Charley, he's gone." He wrapped his arms around her and Charley started to cry.

"He can't be. He can't be gone," she told him. "We just barely- He can't be gone!"

"I know, Charley. I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay."

Charley shook her head. "It's not! He's gone! He's f*cking gone!"

Charley heard a female voice. "Charley, he's okay." Charley looked around, seeing no one around. "We're okay."

Charley woke up, gasping for air. "You okay?" Haz asked. He was now sitting at the end of the sofa with Scutum laying across him.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine," Charley said, trying to make sense of her dream. Who was gone?

There was a knock on the door and Charley got up to get it. "Hey, Dad," she said, pulling him into a hug. She turned to look at Remus and Nymphadora and smiled slightly at them.

"You okay, Char? You're really sweaty," Sirius said.

"Yeah, just a- just a bad dream."

Sirius and Remus's faces dropped. "A nightmare?" Sirius asked quietly.

Charley nodded. "And they always end up happening in some way or another," she quietly said.

"Charley, what was your dream about?" Remus asked, walking into the house with Nymphadora and shutting the door behind them. Haz also walked over.

"I was in this corridor looking for some girl I think... And I was really mad. I think I wanted to kill her," Charley said. "And then you came over, Moony. And you stopped me. You kept saying, 'He's gone,' over and over."

"Daisy never remembered her nightmares," Sirius quietly said.

Charley looked around. "There was this female voice at the end," she added. "She just said that he was okay, and then she said, 'We are okay.' I don't know what that was about..."

The door burst open. "We have to go," Moody said. He grabbed hold of Nymphadora as Kingsley stepped in and grabbed Remus.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked.

"Why are we going?" Sirius added.

"Potter's in trouble at the Department of Mysteries."

"What's he doing there?" Nymphadora asked.

"He's Harry Potter," Charley said. She pulled out her wand. "I'm ready."

"Nuh-uh!" Sirius exclaimed. "You're not going."

"Yes I am."

"Charley, you're not going," Haz spoke up.

"Neither of you can stop me. Either I go with you, or I go to Dumbledore."

Sirius groaned but grabbed Charley. "Fine. But stay by me."

Charley turned back to Haz and smiled triumphantly. "Be safe, Charley."

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now