Chapter 103 - Well, Look Where She Is, Genius

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Charley held Teddy as he slept soundly in her arms. His hair never seemed to be its natural black, but neither was his mother's. Usually, it was turquoise. He was usually calm, mostly wanting to sleep all the time and Charley didn't blame him.

Charley casually took a sip of tea and glanced up at Nymphadora sleeping on the sofa. Remus and Oliver were talking in the kitchen while the girls caught up and Andromeda slept. Charley immediately took hold of Teddy so that Nymphadora could get some sleep.

Remus suddenly burst into the room. Charley suddenly notice the absence of Oliver. He had been talking quite loudly before but it was completely silent now. "Where's Oliver?" she immediately asked. Nymphadora stirred and awoke.

"I need to go to Hogwarts. You two stay here and stay safe," Remus informed them.

Nymphadora immediately stood up with her hand on her hips. "Excuse me, you have a son and a wife. We would like to know what you're doing," she demanded.

Remus walked over to her and kissed her softly. "There's a battle," he quickly said before apparating away. Charley's vision was coming true. She walked over to Nymphadora and handed her the sleeping baby.

"Charley, no. You're not risking the lives of your babies," Nymphadora stated.

"I have to," Charley insisted before stepping away to apparate to Hogsmeade.


Charley roamed the hallways of Hogwarts. She held her wand tightly in her hand. She heard someone walking down the corridor perpendicular to her. She slowly approached the corner and held out her wand to see who the death eater was.

"Charley, what the h*ll are you doing here?" Oliver shouted, staring at his wife in disbelief.

"I'm fighting," Charley stated.

Oliver shook his head. "You need to leave," he told her.

"I'm the one who had the dream, aren't I?" she asked him.

"Charley, no. I won't let you be here."

A third party rounded the corner and pointed their wand at Oliver's back. Their gaze flickered to Charley and they removed their death eater mask. "Charley?" Theo whispered softly, his gaze wandering to her large stomach. "What're you doing here?"

"I'm fighting," she stated. She stepped forward and grabbed his arm, pulling up his sleeve. She was relieved to find no dark mark.

"Charley, you're pregnant," he said as if he were reminding her of the fact.

Oliver's arm wrapped around Charley. "I'm aware," she stated simply.

"You shouldn't be fighting!" he exclaimed before turning to look at Oliver. "Why'd you let her come here?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Oliver defensively said. "I didn't want her here. I told her to stay home."

"Well, look where she is, genius," Theo replied.

"I'm not leaving," Charley told them both. "It's neither of yours' decision to make."

"Those are my children in there, Charley. I think I have some say on whether or not you fight murderous death eaters," Oliver stated.

"I need to be here, Oliver," Charley stated.

"Charley, it's dangerous!" Theo argued.

"Why do you care, Theo?" Oliver yelled in frustration, turning to face Theo. "Aren't you the one who broke up with her? Get over it."

"I had to breakup with her for complicated reasons," Theo replied shortly, crossing his arms over his chest. "She may have been in love with you the whole time, but I was in love with her."

Charley rolled her eyes at him. "You're still not over that? Theo, I-"

A death eater rounded the corner. Oliver quickly stepped in front of Charley and pointed his wand at the death eater while Theo did the same. "Run," he muttered under his breath.

"How do I know that you won't attack us?" Oliver replied, keeping out his wand.

"Because I'm not a bloody death eater, idiot," Theo stated. "Get her out of here." Oliver spun around and led Charley away.

"I'm not leaving," she told him. He groaned and pulled her into a broom cupboard. "Oliver, I need to be here," she insisted.

"Charley, I really don't think that's a good idea."

"I know, Oliver," Charley admitted. "But that dream I had. I was here. Not at home or at Remus's house."

Oliver sighed and gently pressed a kiss to her lips. "Go to the great hall. You can help by healing people. Like your mum did," he told her quietly. Charley nodded and followed Oliver out of the broom cupboard.

Charley was going to fight like her dad.

Charley started toward the great hall until Oliver couldn't see her. She took off down a corridor in pursuit of a duel. "Holy sh*t. What are you doing here?" Fred demanded as Charley ran up a corridor. Charley noticed Percy beside him, looking around anxiously.

"'M fighting," she stated, leaning against the closest wall as she caught her breath.

"Charley, are you stupid?" Fred asked her.

"Fred, I need to be here," she told him.

"Char, you don't realize how dangerous this is. Dozens are already dead."

"I'll be fine," she shortly said before walking off. A death eater rounded a corner and turned to face Charley. She pulled out her wand and pointed it at the death eater. The two quickly broke out into a duel, and soon Charley was victorious.

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