Chapter 79 - You're Eighteen Now

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Charley awoke to four kids jumping on her bed and attacking her with hugs and kisses. She looked over at Lottie as she bounced with Charles on her hip. "Good morning," Charley said to the four kids.

"Happy birthday, Char!" the shouted. Genevieve spun to the other three kids and smacked them.

"Oi!" Harvey exclaimed. "Why'd you do that!"

"Me say it!" Genevieve yelled.

Charley smiled and pulled Genevieve into a hug. "Genny, there's no need to hit them," she told the toddler.

"Me say it!" Genevieve stated again.

"Then say it, Gen," Jayde said.

Genevieve grinned up at Charley. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, Genny," Charley laughed before turning to the other three kids. "Thank you."

Oliver stepped into the room. "Good job, kids," he told them as he handed Charley a tray of food. He gently kissed her making her smile widen.

"Thank you, Olly." She took the tray and set it on her lap as Genevieve curled up to Charley, Harvey sat at Charley's feet, James went over to his mum and took Charles, and Jayde stood beside the bed watching excitedly as if it were a sports match. Charley looked down at the tray full of pancakes, fruit, juice, eggs, etc.. But one thing didn't fit in. She gasped and looked over to Oliver who smiled nervously. Charley set down the tray and got out of the bed.

"You're eighteen now," he stated softly. Charley looked back and grabbed the beautiful ring that must've cost him a fortune. "And I've known that I spend the rest of my life with you for awhile now. So why wait?" Oliver gently took the ring from between Charley's fingers and got down on a knee. "Charley Effie Black, will you marry me?" he asked.

Charley kneeled down in front of him and stared at him and then the ring, and back to him. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his shoulder. Tears that she didn't know were there, soaked him as he rested his head atop hers. "Is that a yes?" he asked her quietly.

Charley pulled away and wiped her tears as she nodded. "Yes. Yes I'll marry you, Olly," she told him, wiping her tears again. Oliver chuckled softly and slipped the ring onto her ring finger. Charley smiled down at it. "After all, we're grandparents together and forever, right?"

"Of course." Oliver stood up and offered his hand to Charley who took it and let him pull her into a kiss. "I've always dreamed of an April wedding," he mumbled softly.

Charley grinned at him and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "I can't wait," she told him, pressing a kiss against his cheek.

They spoiled Charley all day, and even when she was at quidditch practice, she was spoiled endlessly by her teammates and coaches.

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