Chapter 18 - You Beat Up My Dad?!

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Weeks had passed since Charley and Fred had made up. They had gone on several dates and Charley was much happier than when she was with Cedric.

Charley walked hand in hand with Fred. "Hey Char," Fred suddenly said.

Charley looked over at him, "What's up, Fredald?" She asked.

"We're boyfriend and girlfriend... right?"

"I thought so," Charley said, "Unless you don't want to be."

"No, no I do. I just wanted to make sure."

Charley smiled and squeezed Fred's hand.

"Look everyone! It's Hogwarts's very own whore!" Someone yelled.

Both Fred and Charley froze. Fred turned around, "Excuse me?" He muttered angrily at Cedric.

"Freddie, let's just go," Charley said, taking his hand in hers again.

"No," Fred states boldly as he walked up to Cedric. "You do not call Charley a whore. We both know that your slut of a girlfriend-"

"Fred, stop," Charley insisted.

Fred ignored her. "-Has slept with way more people than Charley who had only slept with me and you. And just because she moved on from your ugly face doesn't mean she's a whore."

"She's slept with Oliver too," Cedric said, towering over Fred.

"She hasn't actually."

"And why would she tell you?"

"She doesn't need to. I'm not an insecure little b****."

"I am not-"

"Oh yeah? Then why wouldn't you let Charley hang around us?"

"Oliver has a big mouth-"

"What does that mean?"

"He tells people everything."

"And what would he be telling people?"

"No! S***! Snuffles!" Charley yelled as a black dog barked and ran forward, jumping on Cedric, his lips curled back as he stared at the teenager, keeping him pinned down.

Oliver stepped out of where the dog had been. "That you cheated on Charley."

Charley pulled 'Snuffles' off of Cedric, staring at Oliver. Sure, she had highly suspected it, but hearing it come from her best friend...

Charley stood up, her eyes still fixated on Oliver. "How long have you known?" She asked.

"Since September," Cedric answered.

"Sep..." Charley trailed off, turning to Fred, "You didn't know, did you?"

Fred shook his head immediately as her attention was turned back to Oliver.

"Chat, I would've told you, but I knew you wouldn't listen when you were dating and then I just- I couldn't figure out how to tell you later on," Oliver explained.

Charley shook her head, "Oliver, I trust-"

"Char, you would leave him to have sex with Cedric without any hesitation. He probably didn't want to risk losing you," George tried to explain to Charley.

"He knew that Cedric was cheating on me but kept it to himself for this long. He knew my boyfriend was cheating on me for two months."

Oliver took a step to Charley. She shook her head and took Fred's extended hand before walking away.

Oliver let out a string of curse words as he sunk to the ground beside the black dog.

Cedric let out a cold chuckle. "She hates you, doesn't she? Looks like you won't be f***ing Charley anytime soon."

Charley Effie BlackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon