Chapter 61 - February Fourteenth

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"February fourteenth is such a perfect birthday for Genny," Charley said as everyone watched Genevieve sloppily eat a cupcake.

"February fourteenth is also such a perfect date to shag," Oliver whispered in Charley's ear. She looked back at him as he whistled and avoided her gaze.

"Hold on, Olly," she whispered back to him. Oliver groaned softly and kept his hand on Charley's waist.

"Well, we have some news," Haz announced. "Lottie is pregnant!"

"Again?" Charley asked. "I thought you two were done with kids and then out popped Genny and here comes another one?"

Haz chuckled. "Yeah..." he awkwardly said.

"See? Some people-"

"Olly," Charley said, looking over at him. "Calm down. You're acting like Cedric."

Oliver groaned. "We haven't gotten to shag in weeks, Charley and I need it right now."

"Give us a second," Charley told him sternly. Oliver watched her with his lips pursed. The family all sat down on the sofas and started talking. A blanket was over Charley and Oliver as they sat beside each other giving Oliver saw a perfect opportunity. He rested his hand on Charley's thigh. His fingers gently rubbed her skin before wandering up her thigh. Charley managed to keep her cool causing Oliver to grow increasingly inpatient. He continued to tease her until she cracked and groaned slightly before glaring over at him.

"I think we're going to go take a nap," Charley announced. Oliver moved his hand away from Charley and smirked as she stood up and pulled him up the stairs and into her room. Charley immediately started to kiss him, not even shutting the door as she pulled his shirt off over his head. Oliver smirked under her lips and pulled her sweater off.

"What are you two doing?" Harvey asked as Charley pulled Oliver closer and he took off her bra. Oliver and Charley both turned bright red. Charley stayed pressed against Oliver so she didn't scar Harvey anymore than he already was.

"Uh... We were just um..." Oliver awkwardly stuttered. "Charley needed help getting into her pajamas."

Harvey stared at Oliver still confused but he nodded. "You two are weird," he told them.

"Harvey?" Charley quietly said. Harvey hummed a response. "Don't tell Mum and Dad."

"Okay..." Harvey mumbled skeptically. As soon as he had skipped away, Oliver shut the door and locked it before picking up Charley and laying her down on her bed.

"One time," Charley said. "Cedric made us shag with the door to my room wide open. I couldn't make any noise," she told Oliver.

"Yeah, well Cedric was an a**hole," Oliver told her as he listened to her.

Charley smiled at Oliver, her breathing heavy. "He was, wasn't he?"

Oliver started nipping at her neck and playing with the band of her shorts. Charley's back arched as she awaited him to pull them down. He pulled them off of her quickly and tossed them across the room. Charley kissed Oliver desperately, biting down on his lip as she tried to undo his belt. It took a moment and several groans of frustration from both of them before Charley pulled it off. She undid his button quickly and pulled down his zipper. Oliver took off his pants for Charley. They kissed each other roughly as they discarded their last articles of clothing. Charley yelled out a moan.


Oliver rolled off of Charley, gasping for breath. "You could've gone longer," she told him.

"I'm exhausted," he told her.

Charley nodded. "I am too," she told him. She tilted her head up to Oliver and gently kissed him. "I love you," she told him, brushing his sweaty hair away from his face.

"I love you too, Charley," he told her. They both fell silent as the pressed themselves against each other. "Char, do you want kids someday?"

"If I feel like they're safe in the world," Charley told him. "What about you?"

"Yeah. I want kids."

"How many?"

"I don't know. Three maybe."

Charley nodded. "One for each of my exes?"

"Exactly. We could have Cedric, Fredrick, and Theodrick."

Charley laughed. "I like it." Oliver chuckled at her and played with her hair as he stared at the ceiling. "Four," Charley suddenly said.


"Four kids."

"You want four kids?"

Charley nodded and moved closer to Oliver, her fingers drawing stars on his chest. "It's a good number."

Oliver nodded at her. "It is," he admitted. They both went silent for a moment. There was a knock on Charley's door. "Sh*t!" Oliver muttered as he pulled the covers over them fully and grabbed his wand from Charley's nightstand. He pointed it at the door and mumbled something.

"Hey, Char! Your dad wanted to talk to you," Haz stated, staring at where Oliver and Charley were.

"Okay," Charley replied.

Haz continued to stare at them. "Are you going to come down or..." he awkwardly said.

"In a minute," Charley told him. Oliver brushed his fingers along her back as Harry stared at them in confusion.

"Just come down right now... Oh..." Haz awkwardly cleared his throat and scratched his neck. "I didn't know that you two shagged."

"Did you want me to make an announcement to everyone?" Charley asked.

"No, no. I trust you, Char. Don't get pregnant anytime soon though. That's my one rule."

"So don't be like you and Lottie?"

Oliver snorted at that as Haz simply rolled his eyes at them. "And your parents, remember?"

Charley laughed and looked around the room to mentally take note as to where her clothing got thrown. "Oi, Haz. Can we get dressed now.?"

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry, don't mind me!" Haz exclaimed as he left the room with a wink.

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now