Chapter 107 - Mummy, We're Ready

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Teddy laid his head on Charley's lap as she watched the twins finish the game they had been playing before Teddy arrived. "Charley?" Teddy softly started as Charley ran her fingers through his turquoise hair.

"Hm?" Charley responded.

"Can you tell me another story about my parents?" he asked quietly.

Charley nodded with a smile and started telling Teddy a story. Suddenly, the twins shot up from where they were sitting. "Mummy, we're ready," they said in sync.

Charley woke with a start and held her stomach. "What's wrong?" Oliver grumbled, his arms tightly around her.

"The babies are coming," she told him before groaning slightly.

"Now?" he questioned, looking over at the clock on the nightstand. "We just barely got to bed..." Nevertheless, he got up and rounded around to Charley's side.

"I can't really control them," she muttered.

"I know, darling," he said, helping her up and wrapping an arm around her as they walked to the phone in their room so Oliver could call the midwife. Charley rubbed her stomach and leaned against the wall, trying to steady her breathing. "Yeah. Now," Oliver said over the phone. Charley could tell he was getting more annoyed by the second as he talked to the midwife.

Charley yelled out in pain. "Oliver, hurry," she groaned.

"No. We hired you for a reason!" Oliver yelled at the midwife. "I'm getting my money back!" He slammed the phone down and pulled out his wand. He quickly cast his beaver patronus. "Pomfrey, Charley's in labor. We need your help," Oliver said before sending the patronus off. A moment later, there was a knock on the front door. "Wait here, Char. I'll be back soon."

With that, he ran down the stairs to the door. "Pomfrey, thank you for coming," he immediately said.

"Of course," Pomfrey said, quickly pushing past him as Charley yelled out again. Pomfrey quickly walked up the stairs and into the master bedroom.


Charley yelled out one last time as she pushed and the final baby was born. Oliver, already holding their baby boy, watched Pomfrey for a reaction. "It's a girl," Pomfrey said with a smile.

Oliver turned to face Charley and pressed a kiss to her lips. "You did it," he told her softly. "I'm so proud of you."

Charley smiled at him before looking up at the ceiling. She thought about all the people in her life that had passed on.

"I've been thinking of names for a girl. I was thinking Daisy Nymphadora. Sure, it's a little long, but... Y'know..." Oliver softly said.

"That's perfect, Olly," Charley assured him, leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I was thinking Sirius Harold for a boy."

Oliver nodded with a smile and looked over as Pomfrey handed Charley baby Daisy. Charley smiled down at her and gently ran a finger across her smooth face. "She's perfect," Charley breathed.

Oliver nodded at Charley. "They both look like you," he added.

. . .

"Four in the morning? You poor soul," Lottie said as she wrapped Charley into a side hug.

"They were worth it," Charley said, glancing over at Oliver as he helped Genevieve hold Daisy. Daisy stirred in her sleep and contorted her face. Charles ran over and demanded to be by the baby. Oliver laughed and picked the toddler up, setting him on his lap.

"He's a good one," Lottie told Charley. "Uh oh... Sirius has a full nappy. Where should I change him?"

"Oh, I can change him," Charley offered.

"You'll be having to do this way too many times. I'll do it for now," Lottie insisted.

"You've had to-" Charley started.

"I've got it, Charley. What room?"

"Genny's old room," Charley replied. Lottie smiled and walked up the stairs. Charley walked over to the sofa as Harvey pleaded with Genevieve to let him hold Daisy.

"Genny! I want to hold her!" he groaned.

"Harvey, you're nine and she's three. Stop acting like a baby," Jayde hissed.

"But I want to hold Daisy!" Harvey complained.

"I holdin' her, Harvey!" Genny sassed back. Daisy stirred again and started fussing.

"Harvey, look what you've done!" Jayde exclaimed.

"Yeah, Hovvy!" Charles laughed.

"Genny started it!" Harvey complained.

"She's a toddler, Harvey!"

Daisy started crying and squirming in Genevieve's grip. Genny tried to hold her tighter, fearing the worst, Charley quickly took the baby from Genevieve and started bouncing Daisy to calm her down. Oliver quickly set Charles down and stood up beside Charley. "Char, I can take her," Oliver offered.

"You're just saying that because she likes you more," Charley muttered under her breath.

Oliver laughed softly and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Yeah, well Sirius likes you more," he replied. Charley handed Daisy to Oliver and watched as Daisy immediately looked up at her dad and stopped crying. Charley wrapped an arm around Oliver and stared at Daisy's dark brown eyes and long eyelashes.

"She really is beautiful," Oliver whispered softly. A moment later, Lottie came back down the stairs with a grumpy Sirius.

"Is it their nap time?" Lottie asked.

Charley looked over at the clock. "Yeah, sorry," she apologized, taking Sirius from Lottie and walking up the stairs with Oliver to put the babies to bed. Charley laid Sirius in his crib and watched as he held out his hands for her to pick him up again. He too had very dark brown eyes which they had inherited from their father.

Sirius and Daisy both started crying louder as they left the comfort of their parents' arms. Charley wanted to stay, but Oliver quickly pulled her out of the room. "They're okay, Char," he assured her, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I just feel so bad," Charley admitted, staring longingly at the bedroom door.

Oliver laughed and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He ran them both into their room before tossing her on the bed as she laughed. "Olly," Charley giggled as he kissed down her neck. "Olly, Lottie and the kids are still here," she reminded him.

Oliver groaned and rested his head on her chest. "Fine. Go tell them to leave," he told her.

"Olly!" she exclaimed.

Oliver laughed as he rolled off of her. "I'm kidding. I promise," he assured her.

Charley Effie BlackTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang