Chapter 56 - May The Best Child Win

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Charley walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Olly."

"Good morning, Char," Oliver replied, turning to her and kissing her softly.

"I'm probably going to go home later today," she told him.

Oliver nodded. "Okay," he responded, smiling at her as she climbed up onto the counter. He flipped over the pancakes.

"You're a little cute," Charley told him with a small laugh as she watched him.

Oliver looked back at her with a smirk, "Yeah?" he asked, flipping over the last pancake and turning off the burner.

"Yeah," Charley said with another laugh.

Oliver walked over to her, placing his hands on either side of her hips. She leaned down to him and kissed him. As she started to pull away like they always did, he raised a hand to her jaw and brought her back to him. Charley kissed him back immediately as the kiss got more heated. Charley thought she may melt into the counter as Oliver gently kissed down her neck. Charley played with his hair as he kissed back up her neck. Frustrated by how gentle he was being, Charley took control and slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Oliver let out a soft moan. He pulled away breathless and watched Charley carefully. Both of them breathed heavily, not breaking eye contact. "Can we move to the sofa? This counter hurts my a**," Charley told him. Oliver laughed at her and brought her into another kiss. He picked her up off of the counter as she started nipping at his neck. Oliver laid Charley down and crawled on top of her.

"I love you, Charley Effie Black," he said.

Charley laughed. "Merlin, Olly, just f***ing kiss me."

Oliver laughed and started kissing her neck again, this time rougher, leaving marks everywhere his lips touched.


Charley eventually pulled away from Oliver. "We should probably eat breakfast," she told him as Oliver pulled away from her.

"Probably," Oliver laughed, smiling down at her widely.

Charley ran a hand through Oliver's hair again. "Okay, I'm ready." Oliver got off of her and helped her up. They walked together, hand in hand, back to the kitchen.

Oliver dishes them both out cold pancakes before heating up the sausage and adding that to their plates. An owl flew in and dropped an envelope beside Charley's plate. She thanked the owl and picked up the envelope. She didn't even finish opening the envelope before another owl flew in and dropped a parcel for Charley.

Oliver picked up the parcel and examined it before setting it back down. "What's going on?" he asked. Charley shrugged and took out the letter from the envelope.

Dear Charley,

I'm sorry. Nothing happened. I was drunk and wasn't comprehending what I was doing. Thank you for stopping me, had anything happened, I would've never forgiven myself. Thank you for being dramatic.

You should've seen Moony and Pinky after you stormed off. You would've loved it. They took turns yelling at me and then Moony slapped me because I was being an a**.

I still don't know how to live without your mum.

I love you,

Charley passed the letter to Oliver and watched him look over it. "He knows that you won't forgive him yet," Oliver said softly as he finished and set the letter down. "He didn't even mention you coming back."

"He didn't want me there in the first place," Charley reminded him.

Oliver nodded, "True..." he picked up the parcel again. "So what'd he send you?"

Charley took the parcel and opened it. She emptied it into her hand. A ring and a paper fell out. Charley froze.

"What is it?" Oliver asked.

Charley dropped the ring onto the table and opened the paper.


Congratulations! I heard that you and Oliver are together. You guys are good together. I hope you've finally found the one.

- Theo Nott

Charley looked up at Oliver who stared at her blankly. "It's Theo's," she told him.

"The magic ring?" Oliver asked her. Charley nodded. "What's the letter say?" Charley passed the letter to him. She watched his eyes flicker across the letter before looking up at Charley. "Char, do you love me or are you still in love with Theo?" Oliver asked.

"What kind of question is that, Olly? Of course I love you," Charley told him with a laugh.

Oliver nodded and studied her face. "Are you sure?"

Charley wrapped her arm around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to her. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Olly," she said, bringing him into a kiss. Oliver relaxed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Charley suddenly pulled away. "Stop thinking so low of yourself."

Oliver studied her. "I mean... Theo was-"

"Olly, I love you. Theo's in the past. I promise."

They stayed in their embrace for a while. Neither of them needed to say anything more to each other.

Charley eventually pulled away and sat down at the table. She tucked the letter back into the envelope and the ring back in the parcel along with the note from Theo. She set it on the floor and started eating.

"I was thinking that we could tell my family next," Oliver told her softly. "And when you're ready we can tell Sirius. No rush."

Charley nodded. "That sounds delightful," she replied, smiling at him awkwardly.

"Carter is probably going to pee himself he'll be so excited," Oliver told her with a small laugh. Charley joined in with him and looked up at him. He smiled back at her and let out another laugh.

"Well James didn't. It's a battle who loves the idea of us together more."

Oliver laughed. "May the best child win!"

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now