Chapter 67 - Nauseating

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Oliver looked over at the doorway as Charley walked into the kitchen. He smiled back at her and handed her a cup of tea. "Thank you, Olly," she softly said. Oliver smiled and kissed her before grabbing his cup of tea. He leaned against the counters and pulled Charley in front of him between his legs.

"Betty and Liam found out that they're having a boy," he told Charley. Charley looked up at him with a small smile as she sipped her tea. "I wish that you were there. You would've loved it. They had the widest smiles I've ever seen."

Charley smiled wider. "That's good. Betty was really nervous about telling Liam. Seems like they're doing fine," she said.

Oliver nodded. "Their baby shower is at the beginning of August. They really want you to be there," Oliver added, tucking her hair behind her ear and sipping his tea.

"I'll try. It depends how everything is with Lottie and Louis though," Charley responded softly. "When's the baby due?"

"Beginning of September or end of August."

Charley nodded. "Do you want kids someday?"

Oliver laughed and kissed Charley again. "Yeah. At least two," he told Charley. "What about you?"

Charley nodded. "Yeah. I want some kids. I always thought it would be cool to fulfill my mum's wish of having six kids. Then again, six is a lot."

Oliver shrugged and kissed Charley again, setting his cup down and deepening the kiss. "Nothing we can't handle," he told her. Charley pulled away from the kiss and stared at Oliver. She laughed softly before pulling him back into the kiss and setting her cup down.

"Good morning, lovebirds," Lottie said as she walked into the kitchen. Charley pulled away from Oliver and picked up her cup tea. She glanced back over at Oliver and smiled again.

"Good morning, Lottie," Oliver replied, wrapping his arm around Charley's waist and pulling her against him. Lottie opened the fridge and rubbed her stomach. She had bags under her eyes and she seemed to yawn every few seconds.

"Couldn't sleep?" Charley asked, trying to hide her concern.

Lottie nodded and glanced back at her. "Nightmares again," she replied and shut the fridge. She walked over to the pantry and looked inside while Charley and Oliver exchanged glances.

"Do you need anything?" Charley asked.

"Do you have any limes? Or popcorn?" Lottie replied, pulling out a box of granola bars, scrunching her face, and putting them back.

"I can run to the grocer's," Charley offered. "Do you want anything else?"

"I think I'm good," Lottie replied, followed by a yawn as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Do you need anything, Olly?" Charley asked as she finished her tea and pulled away from him. She rinsed out her cup and looked back at him as Oliver shook his head.

"Stay safe, Mo Gràdh," he told her softly as he kissed the top of her head. Charley smiled up at him and grabbed some muggle money before walking out of the kitchen.

"Good morning, Lou," Oliver heard Charley say on her way out of the kitchen. Oliver walked into the kitchen a moment later and opened the refrigerator. He stared in it for awhile before grabbing out a yogurt.

"Hey, Louis," Oliver brightly said, trying to sound as brotherly as he could. Louis looked over at him and smiled half-heartedly. "How'd you sleep?"

"Would've been better if you hadn't been shagging my sister against the wall closest to the sofa," Louis responded shortly. He turned his attention away from Oliver as Oliver stared in shock.

"We didn't even shag last night," Oliver said.

Louis laughed. "Oh, Olly! Harder! Harder! Harder! Oh, Olly," Louis mocked, moaning loudly. "Nauseating," he muttered.

Oliver stared at Louis. "I don't know what you heard last night, but it wasn't me and Char," he finally said after awhile. Louis glanced over at Oliver, his grey eyes seeming to pierce into him. "How are you liking it here, Louis?"

Louis shrugged slightly as he pulled out a spoon and started eating the yogurt. "S'alright," he mumbled quietly.

Oliver nodded and the kitchen fell silent. He finished his tea and rinsed out the cup before loading the dishes into the dishwasher. "So... Now that you're breaking free from the death eaters, are you going to tell us who the others are?" Oliver asked.

"No," Louis replied.

Oliver laughed softly at that. "Why not?" he asked with a grin, waiting for his joke. Louis looked over at Oliver, his eyes wide in panic. Oliver realized he wasn't joking. "Why not, Louis?" he repeated, his smile gone as he glared at Louis.

"I um... I'm not supposed- I shouldn't-"

"Are you f*cking serious?" Oliver yelled. "You're not trying to break away from the death eaters, are you? You've been spying on us so that the death eaters will attack us!" Louis looked around the kitchen for an escape. Oliver quickly punched him and knocked him out. He felt bad for knocking a fifteen-year-old unconscious, but he brushed it off and rubbed his ring three times to notify Charley to come home.

"Lottie!" Oliver shouted.

"Yes," Lottie replied, walking into the kitchen. "Oh Merlin! What happened to Louis?"

"I'll tell you in a minute. Just pack up your things we're leaving," Oliver quickly told her. He went into his and Charley's room and quickly packed one bag each for them. He the. rushed into Lottie's room where she and the kids all frantically packed their bags. "Louis. He's been lying to us," Oliver told Lottie.

Eventually, Charley came home. Oliver rushed over to her before she could go into the kitchen. "I'll explain everything soon," he told her. "Do you have the keys to the house?"


"Do you have the keys to your house?" he asked again. Charley nodded and pulled them out of her back pocket. "Perfect. Come on," he said as he led her to the others.

"Olly, what's going on?" Charley asked.

Oliver kissed Charley softly, sensing that she was getting panicked by everything. "It's okay. I've got in under control. Louis isn't trying to break free from the death eaters," he told her.

"How do you-"

"I'll explain everything when we get home."

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now