Chapter 23 - Like A Family

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Charley cried against Oliver's chest as they sat on his bed in his dorm. "It was going to be perfect," she sobbed. "I was going to have a dad, not someone who literally didn't have the choice and-" She was cut off by her sobs. The curtains of Oliver's beds were pulled back.

"Flitwick's office," Fred stated.

"W- What?" Charley asked, wiping her eyes.

"He is in Flitwick's office."

Oliver didn't waste a second as he pulled Charley up with him and ran with her out of Gryffindor Tower.

Oliver burst in first. However, Sirius didn't even look over at him. His face was pale and his brows were furrowed.

"Dad!" Charley yelled out, running over and pulling her father into a tight hug.

Sirius pushed aside the pain, "Hey, Boo," he softly said, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back softly.

"We're going to get you out of this, I promise."

Sirius smiled weakly.

"Are you okay?"

"Pettigrew escaped," Sirius told her.

"That's okay, Dad. You and I will find him again, and get him."

Sirius smiled sympathetically at her.

"There's something else, huh?" Oliver asked softly.

Sirius bit his bottom lip, "I'm just confused over some things."


"It's nothing."

Charley pulled her dad into another hug before kissing his cheek. "You will be free, Dad. Olly and I are going to think of something. You'll be free and we can live together... Like a family."

Sirius smiled at her. "That sounds nice, Char."

"It will be. We'll be back soon to tell you our plan."

"Char, don't bother," Sirius said, "I've never feared death."

Charley stared at him, her eyes filling back with tears.

"She needs you," Oliver finally said. "She needs a dad. I nee-"

"She has Haz."

Oliver let out a sad chuckle, "Haz is great, but he's still an uncle to Char."


"Moony hardly visits her. Only if he needs to talk to her about Daisy."

"Char, it-" Sirius started.

Charley wrapped in another hug. Oliver squatted down and joined the hug.

"Whatever happens, Char, it'll be okay," Sirius told his little girl. "I promise. Now go before you get caught."

Charley kissed her dad's cheek again before getting up with Oliver. "Bye, Dad."

"Bye, Sirius."

The pair left.


Charley sat with Oliver at the end of the Gryffindor table, not wanting to talk to anyone. Soon, her father would get the dementor's kiss.

"Miss Black," McGonagall said softly.

Charley stared down at her untouched plate of food.

"She um... She's not feeling well," Oliver told McGonagall.

"Well I'm sure what I have to tell her will help."

"What? Is my dad dead?" Charley asked, not caring if McGonagall figured out that she thought (or rather knew) he father was innocent. Oliver looked at Charley warningly.

"Quite the opposite actually," McGonagall replied. Charley spun around along with Oliver. "Follow me."

"Can Olly come?" Charley asked.

"If he wants."

Charley and Oliver grinned at each other as they jumped up, both eager to see Sirius. The followed McGonagall to her office.

They were disappointed as they didn't see Sirius.

"He's not here," McGonagall told them, noticing both of their sad faces. "He's with Buckbeak the hippogriff."

"How is this good news?" Charley asked.

"Well, Charley, you can graduate next year."


"You can be with your dad, help him out and all. I wouldn't offer this opportunity to everyone, but you — Charley — are very intelligent."

Oliver's smile reappeared as he looked over at Charley. "What do I need to do?"

McGonagall smiled.

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