Chapter 94 - It's Going To Fly By

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Oliver had his arms wrapped around Charley's stomach as he laid beside it. She gently stroked his hair, letting him slowly fall asleep. She could tell he was heartbroken about quitting Puddlemere. It had been his dream since forever, but no matter what she said, he insisted that he didn't regret it as long as she and the baby were safe.

Charley watched as he nuzzled his face into her stomach slightly and ran his thumb across it. "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" he suddenly asked.

"Oliver, you're supposed to be asleep," Charley hissed.

"I'm not tired," he mumbled. He pressed a kiss against her stomach. "I think boy."

"Im not sure," Charley admitted.

"Do you think we'll be good parents?"

Charley tilted his head up so he was looking at her. "You'll be an excellent dad," she assured him. He propped himself onto his elbows and pushed himself up to her so he could kiss her softly.

"You're going to be the best mum," he told her.


"That's why I married you," Oliver remarked with a small laugh as he pressed another kiss against her lips.


There was a knock on the door as Oliver and Charley made macaroni and cheese together. "I'll get it," Oliver said, helping Charley off the counter. "Don't burn the noodles."

"I'll try," she mumbled as he left the kitchen.

"What're you going here?" she heard Oliver loudly say. She listened closely to know if she had to hide. "I told you. I quit."

Charley pursed her lips slightly and watched the macaroni and cheese. "Come into the kitchen. I need to make sure Charley doesn't burn our dinner," Oliver said. Charley looked down at the t-shirt and baggy pajama trousers she was wearing and cursed Oliver under her breath.

Oliver and the coach walked in soon after. Oliver immediately walked over to the macaroni and cheese and started stirring it. "Macaroni and cheese?" Coach questioned.

"Charley's craving it a lot recently," Oliver calmly replied. "She doesn't like the leftovers though. If you want some, there's plenty of leftovers."

"I'm alright," Coach replied. "Oliver, I have five players threatening to quit right now."

"Got yourself in quite the conundrum there, Donald," Oliver replied, showing no concern.

"It's all because you quit."

"I figured."

"Wood, come back. I'll double your salary!" Coach exclaimed.

"That's not why I quit," Oliver reminded him, turning off the burner and scooping a bowl out for Charley.

"Double the salary, Oliver!" Coach exclaimed.

"I don't care about my salary! I care about Charley! And if you're going to treat her like garbage, I will not play for your team."

"We made an agreement!"

"I'm not putting my child in harms way."

Charley opened the refrigerator and grabbed out a jar of pickles and started to awkwardly eat as the two boys continued arguing. "I could sue you," Coach said.

"Puddlemere would go down in flames and you know that," Oliver stated. Charley had never seen him like this, he was so calm but absolutely furious. "If you want me to come back, then you need to apologize to my wife and make it up to her."

Coach sighed. "Alright. Charley, I'm sorry for firing you. You didn't do anything wrong," he told Charley as she quickly finished the bite she was on. "If you get yourself and Oliver back to Puddlemere, I will allow you to only train as much as you can, so no games and stuff, and I will get Oliver more publicity so he can earn a higher wage."

Charley nodded. "Sounds fair," she stated simply.

"How much longer until the baby comes?"

"We still have sixth months," Oliver groaned

"It's going to fly by," Coach said.

Charley Effie BlackWhere stories live. Discover now