Bryce: Dressed and Bathed

Start from the beginning

Bryce did not feel any pain or food coming out his mouth, in fact he felt weightless and free whenever he’s in a vision. He felt so powerful and yet calm like the wind.

Bryce can’t control his vision nor can he control when they would appear, they would come at the most random times, and sometimes show him the most random things such as a stranger eating a taco or seeing the inauguration of a new President. All he can do was let the Universe guide him through where it wanted him to go and see.

Bryce’s weightless body started to get heavy once again, he was falling but Bryce didn’t mind for he had encountered the feeling for what felt like the hundredth time, he would descend to the Earth at rapid speed and yet he would not burn off like a meteorite normally would.

He saw what the Universe was directing him too. Somewhere deep within the forest was where he landed. His fall was light, he landed on some dried up leaves which littered the whole place. He took his time on the soft ground for he knew when he’ll wake up, all he’ll ever return to is chaos and torture.

He tried resting on the ground, which will be the first time he’ll ever do in a vision because usually he would make everything quick so he could return to the real world immediately.

A strong gush of wind prevented him from dozing off, he was almost toppled over. Bryce knew that it was the Universe telling him to go on with his business.

Bryce rose up and dusted of some leaves, “Where to now Universe?” he asked.

Bryce walked in an indefinite path that led to nowhere. He walked on and on, not having the slight hint of tiredness, just the will to carry forward. Endless forest was all he saw, there was nothing going on, which he figured might be his vision, an exciting happening in the forest where nothing happened.

The sun slowly set and Bryce was still left wondering, he knew something was supposed to happen since the Universe had not yet fetch him indicating that it wasn’t over. Something was yet to happen.

Bryce never counted the hours; sometimes it would take him days inside his vision just to see what the Universe was telling him too.

Bryce examined his surrounding, he could tell that something was about to happen, noises of cracking branches and footsteps started to appear. It was getting closer by the second. Bryce stayed alert as he observed carefully. The footsteps grew louder and louder but it came from no direction.

Bryce can’t see a thing but something passed right through him, it came from his back. Two people, one was a boy around 18 years old and old woman in her 50’s dripping with blood on her abdomen. The boy was carrying her over his back as they ran towards the thick vegetation. The lady seemed to be weak and in a lot of and yet hanging for her life.

Bryce had the urge to follow, he ran with them towards the dark forest. He passed through trees and rivers but the boy kept on running but eventually he started slowing down. His breaths were getting larger and larger, his sweat dripped through his nape soaking his shirt.

“Put me down.” The lady softly said.

“No.” the boy responded, he kept on running but tripped on a rock causing him to fall together with lady. It both took them some time before moving an inch.

“Just go, I’ll just slow you down.” The lady insisted, her shirt was soaked with blood, and the boy’s back as well.

The boy crawled in closer to the lady, “I can’t leave you here. They’ll find you and kill you.” He said, he held the lady’s hand tightly and close to him.

“Trevor listen to me, I’ll die regardless, so just go.” The lady instructed once again. It was getting harder for her to let the words out. She started coughing out blood which was pitiful to look at.

“I can’t,” Trevor said. He had this look where he knew it was the right thing to do but he just can’t.

Bryce watched the anticipation as he heard more footsteps coming towards them, he moved in closer to have a better look at the situation, the lady’s wound was large and deep into her abdomen, her lips where white and her skin was pale. Her life was slowly sucked away leaving her weak.

She took the boy’s collar and pulled it towards her face, “Lavander needs to know, now go!” the lady took all of her might to release her words out. Trevor felt the pain of guilt. He watched the lady for the one last time and ran off to the darkness leaving the lady behind to fend for her life.

Bryce felt a feeling which he could not explain upon hearing his sister’s name. The old lady was moving so slowly turning her head side by side. Bryce saw the people who were after the lady and Trevor. It was a whole squad of soldiers who wore uniforms covering their body, they wore gas masks and had guns on their hands.

Bryce would like to stay there to find what happened next but his body started floating and the vision started to get blurry. His body was floating upwards and into space. A huge ray of light blocked his vision and soon enough he was back on reality.

Bryce opened his eyes which he adjusted for a single light bulb lit the room he was in. It was small and cramped. He was set in a stiff mattress which was lying on the floor.

Bryce examined the room more closely; a four sided room with no windows and a metal door with a small opening on the upper center. The room was painted purely white but the paint started to faint causing it to have a very rustic look. The only furniture beside the mattress was a small plastic table with a small drawer at the corner of the room. And a small vent kept the room cool but it was still pretty warm inside.

Bryce stood up and flexed his muscles. To his surprise his clothes were changed into a pure white outfit, just like the one Nancy had when he first saw her. He also noticed that he was bathed thoroughly. More things happened when he was on his blackout than he ever expected.

He walked around the room getting a feel of it, finding a way to escape but there was none. He knocked on one side of the room and felt that it was made out of wood.

He walked back to his mattress and lay down there for a moment. Thinking of the situation he was in right now, but more importantly thinking of the vision he just had. He was thinking who the lady could be and who was Trevor and why do they know about his sister. Everything was a big puzzle for Bryce to answer right then.

“Hey.” A voice called out from somewhere. Bryce was caught off guard and started look around for the direction it came from.

“Hello?” Bryce replied back.

“Hey, so you’re awake.” The voice gleefully said, Bryce faced one of the wall which he assumed where the voice came from.

“Who are you?” Bryce asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” the voice said, “but right now, welcome to the underground cell.”


Sorry took me long to update but updates shall come in a reglar basis after 2 weeks or the end of March.

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