Everyone cheers and coach pulls Toby and myself away from the team. He tells us that he wants us to practice together to increase our skills on stealing the ball because he saw that we lacked that during the last game and we wanted us to perform at our best since the scouts will be there.

Toby slaps my back and grabs the ball. We go off to the far end of the field and begin our training. Toby decides to go first and I start to drive the ball to the goal. I am good at not getting the ball stolen when it’s in my possession so Toby is only able to get the ball away from me once or twice.

“Which school do you want to recruit you?” Toby asks as we switch.

“Maryland.” I tell him as I miss an opportunity to steal the ball. He races to the goal and makes a successful shot.

“You aiming big!” he exclaims while grabbing the ball to repeat his actions.

I am able to steal the ball the second time and kick the ball to the goal. “Go big or go home!” I smile at him.

I steal the ball a few more times and I am pleased with my performance. Toby slaps my back once again.

“Good practice. You thinking of going pro?” he asks me as he bends over a bit to catch his breath.

I shake my head no. “I’m not interested in being the next David Beckham.”

He laughs. “What do you plan on doing?”

“Don’t tell anyone but I really enjoy the works of the human brain. I want to either become a therapist or a neurologist.”

“Well good luck with that! I plan on going pro! Being the next David Beckham doesn’t bother me one bit!” Toby exclaims.

We share a laugh and head off the field after coach ends practice. I go into the locker room and change. I head out to the parking lot and I don’t see Amber waiting by my car. I pull out my phone and call her.

“Hey, where are you?” I ask her when she picks up.

“I spent the afternoon with Shannon. I’m at home right now.”

“Oh. Can I come over? I want to see you.”

“Sure. See you in a bit.”

I hang up and get into my car. I race to Amber’s house and text her that I’m outside when I park on the curb. She comes to the door as I get out and I rush to her. I pick her up and spin her around before placing her on her feet.

She laughs at me and pulls me to her for a kiss. “What has you in such a good mood?” she asks.

“I’m always in a good mood when I’m with you.” I tell her.

“Awww! You’re so sweet.” she fawns before kissing me once again.

She pulls me inside and I see her mother in the kitchen. I greet her and she does the same. Amber pulls me to the couch and we sit down.

“Ummm, I guess I should tell you that my mom found out today that Axel doesn’t want to plead guilty to assaulting me so there is a hearing on Monday. We don’t have to be there but if the case goes to trial we’ll be called to testify.” she tells me.

I blow out a breath. And here I thought Axel was out of the picture for good.

“We have to go shopping tomorrow for Shannon’s birthday gift.” Amber states to change the subject from off of Axel. “What do you think we should get her?”

I shrug. “She’s your best friend. Is there something she’s been hinting at?”

She shakes her head no. “Not really. I guess we can get her some jewelry.”

Her mentioning jewelry made me remember the promise ring I had purchased for her on Saturday. I can’t believe I didn’t give it to her already.

“Oh, that reminds me; I got something for you. It’s in the Camaro so I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” I tell her.

She perks up at the thought of getting a gift. “What did you get me?”

I chuckle while watching her bounce up and down. “You’ll see tomorrow.”

 “Do you want to stay for dinner Emery?” I hear Amber’s mom asks me.

“Yes, thank you ma’am.” I reply.

She tells us the food is ready and Amber states that she and Shannon ate at Appleby’s so she isn’t going to eat but she sat at the table with us. We made small talk and Amber’s mom informs us that she and Mitch were going on a date after my game this Saturday.

“You know you can’t marry Mitch right?” Amber blurts out as her mom takes a sip of her iced tea.

She spits it out and coughs a bit. “Marry?! Who said anything about marriage?”

I shoot Amber a look. “Yeah, who said anything about that?”

“Amber, Mitch and I enjoy each other’s company and it’s only been two weeks since we met so don’t worry about anything along the lines of marriage happening.” her mom states.

After dinner I help Amber and her mom clean up. I say good night to her mom and ask Amber to walk me out to my car.

We head outside and make our way to my car. I stop and lean against the passenger side. I pull Amber right in front of me and place a kiss on her lips.

“Don’t stress too much about my uncle dating your mom okay.” I tell her when I pull back.

“But what if they do marry each other? We’ll be cousins and it’ll be weird since we’re having sex.” she states while cringing.

I laugh while reaching my hand up to her face. I caress her cheek before running my fingers through her hair. “Trust me; it won’t get that far.”

She smiles up at me and I kiss her lips once more before patting her butt gently.

“Go on back inside and get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She smirks slyly at me and peck my lips before turning and heading toward her front door. I watch her and notice she has an extra swivel in her hips; I know she’s only doing that because I’m watching her.

I smirk and yell to her that I love her before she goes inside. She spins to me and kisses her hand then blows the kiss to me. I catch the kiss and place it on my heart. Once she’s safely inside I get into my car and head home.

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