We arrive at a bookshop and we've been here for 2 hours already, I can tell Y/n wants to sit down but every time I offer, she says how I can continue to look around as she knows how much I enjoy looking at books. I glance at her and see her head resting against a shelf, I chuckle softly, taking a picture of her.

"Noo..." She longs out, groaning and removing her head off of the shelf. Making me laugh. I show her the picture and kiss her cheek.

"I'm saving that."





"No..." She complains, trying to grab my phone but she fails. "Ugh, hate you." She says, crossing her arms and shaking her head. Making me laugh. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. We take more photos of one another, taking each other off guard. Before she moves her phone really close to me, I try to move but she laughs, "Wait, wait— no, hey, I just wanna take a photo." She expresses to me, attempting to move her phone closer to me but I quickly move out of her way and kiss her, her kissing me back. Smiling into the kiss. Tugging me closer to her. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist and feel her pull away, kissing my cheek then placing a kiss on my neck. "Okay, go. Go explore. I follow." She says, sounding like Yelena from Marvel making me laugh softly.


I posted photos of today on my Instagram as I got told that it might be a good idea if I posted something and I decide to show a picture of me and Y/n holding hands. I tagged her in it and then made the next slide a photo of our hands and the wheel of the car, just cause why not. I really like being with Y/n and I don't want to hide it. We've been together for 5 months now and I don't want her to be my secret anymore.

My parents like her, my siblings love her, they probably talk to her more than me, she's met most of my friends and they all really like her, I swear if some of them were up for the challenge, they'd try to get with her with how much they like her. I like us and I like our relationship. I want that to be public. I got so many questions on where I got my hoodie on my last post and I had to ask Y/n even though I wanted to say I got it from her.

My leg bounces as I have one leg on the bed and the other resting on the floor, my phone resting on the bed, I look over at Y/n whose in the bathroom with the door open, brushing her teeth. She spits out the toothpaste and washes her toothbrush, wiping her face in case of any toothpaste then sets the toothbrush in the holder and turns the tap off. She turns the light off and shuts the door, walking toward me.

"Oooh, what you doing?" Y/n asks, running and jumping on the bed, I watch as she crawls up and rests her head on the pillow beside me.

"I'm gonna post on Instagram but I wanna talk to you about something." I announce, turning my head toward her and seeing her sit up with a small groan,

"Gosh, I have some back pains— Ooh, you know what I want?"

"What, baby?"

"I want a doctor to cut me open, replace all my bones with healthier ones and then zip me back up so I can go back to bending down to pick something up and not be like 'Ughhh' and resting a hand on my back like I'm 80 years old." She expresses to me, I look over at her and see her looking at me with that look that looks so adorable, I just wanna hold her face and kiss all over her. I lean down and kiss her, her kissing me back and resting her hand on my cheek, her thumb stroking my cheekbone as our foreheads rest against one another as we continue to kiss. I feel her pull away and smile softly. "That was nice." She says, resting her head on my thigh, looking up at me. "What'd you wanna talk to me about?" She asks me, sounding interested. She sits up and moves her face in front of mines, moving her eyes cross-eyed. "What was it?" She longs out, in a spooky voice making me laugh. She moves her eyes to no longer being cross-eyed and smiles, resting her head back on my thigh. I rest my hand in her hair, stroking her hair.

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