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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 236 - Shadow Winds


C236 - Shadow Winds

Chapter 236 - Shadow Winds

Lu Zihao didn’t answer but gave a mysterious smile instead. With that, he leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and ignored Iris.

The car lapsed into silence.

She opened her mouth to ask him again, but then noticed the weary lines on his face. He looked exhausted! She immediately felt guilty. She had been too preoccupied with her own matters that she didn’t notice his tired condition.

It was already way past midnight. She let her brother rest. He only told her that they were heading to one of his recently bought properties, but she didn’t know where.

In the meantime, she took her laptop out of the backpack. She began looking up the latest news about Fan Luo.

The remnant within her flared up. This time, she didn’t fight against it, letting the hatred and fury flood within her. There was no Jin Liwei that she needed to worry about hurting. Despite allowing the bloodthirst to fill her, she still retained some measure of control on her body. Her expression was cold and an intense murderous intent emanated from her.

Lu Zihao’s two subordinates sitting at the front sensed it. They became alert, preparing themselves to face a lethal enemy. When they realized that the thick aura of danger was coming from her, they were shocked.

Lu Zihao’s eyes opened and glanced at her. But he closed them again as if it didn’t bother him.

About half an hour later, the car drove inside a gated compound. It was the only residence in an industrial area filled with old closed-down warehouses and factories. In fact, the residence was originally a warehouse but was converted into an impressive mansion.

"You did this, Big Brother?" she asked.

"No. I bought it like this."

Iris could see a number of people patrolling around the property. Her eyes narrowed. She could sense that these people were all trained and dangerous. The scene reminded her so much of the Vetrov estate in the past.

He noticed her expression. He told her in Russian, "Like I said, don’t compare these people to our people in the past. And little sister, you still suck at concealing your emotions from your face. Normal people might not be able to read you but to trained experts like me and my subordinates, we can read you like a book. Improve on it."

She pouted but still nodded. She really didn’t care whether others could read her or not. What others thought about her was none of her business. They could think whatever they wanted about her for all she cared. But her big brother said to improve on it, so she would. It wasn’t like she would lose anything from it.

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