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His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

 Chapter 266 - Coming Back Soon


C266 - Coming Back Soon

Chapter 266 - Coming Back Soon

Apart from JJ’s record label’s consistent promotions and the Black Stars’ undying support, Iris Long’s position in showbiz began to diminish. Even the hype surrounding the upcoming indie film "Strong Yet Broken" eventually dwindled after her sudden disappearance. Her music had also fallen from the charts.

The upward trajectory of her music career which took off with such a powerful momentum during her comeback suddenly halted. Many shook their heads in regret, thinking that she had missed her chance to gain a stable foothold in the music industry.

Bright Summit labelled both Iris and Jin Chonglin as artists on hiatus. Unlike Iris, however, Jin Chonglin’s position in the industry remained as solid as ever. Not only had he been in showbiz longer, but he was also already one of the biggest stars. His fan base was also larger with members not only in the country but also across Asia. He could afford a hiatus and not suffer too much unlike her.

The public had moved on from the shocking scandals that caused the abrupt hiatuses of these two artists.

The Black Stars fan club, especially the Slippers Army, became temporarily inactive because there weren’t a lot of people bashing their Boss Iris online anymore. To be more specific, there weren’t a lot of people talking about their boss anymore besides them.

Some of them were missing the thrilling chaos of their online battles as they waved their virtual mighty slippers in the name of their Boss Iris. In addition to their boss’ disappearance, their troll leader iEatSlippers wasn’t online that much anymore as well. He told them he was busy helping a friend set up a company.

In short, Iris Long was already being forgotten.

Then one day, people noticed that she finally updated her social media pages. She posted:

"I’m sorry and thank you for waiting. I’m coming back soon."

A short video was attached. It showed her playing a few chords on the piano of the film version of "Phantom of Your Love". After the thirty-second melody teaser, she closed her eyes and gave a soft, gentle smile. Somehow, she looked even more beautiful than before, as if there was a radiant glow within her.

The reaction was instantaneous.



+1,726,903 likes and counting.

In just about an hour, it already received more than a million views. The Black Stars went crazy with delight, excitement and anticipation. They had been so worried about her. They couldn’t wait to see their Boss Iris and listen to her music again.

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